The Community Organic Garden

in #gardening7 years ago

Taking a drive by the Community Organic Garden in town I decided to stop and snap a few photos.


Some vegetables like cabbage, onions and more




As I was wandering from one plot to the next I came upon the rarest of birds...


A Black Flamingo!

All sorts of beautiful flowers including Zenias.



This Papaya tree was a treat to see with fruit dangling.



That looks like one healthy and vibrant garden - also very well cared for. Community gardens can really uplift and change a community for the better!

Yes, jaymorebeet. Lots of composting and fresh planting going on. It was such a pretty day too. Kids tossing the ball around while their parents worked in the gardens. A wholesome environment for sure. Thanks for popping in. 🐓🐓

Looks fantastic!!
I would LOVE to start a community garden here.


It is pretty fantastic. Everyone has their ideas about how things are done. It is all so neatly laid out and everything is lush. Thank you for your comment. 🐓🐓

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Many thanks! 🐓🐓

O: I didn't know papaya could grow that far north. Very cool!

It depends on how cold it gets in the winter. Could be they covered it from the frost. Come to think of it last winter was pretty mild. Thanks for stopping by. 🐓🐓

That's really a nice community garden there! It shows a lot of participation by the people who have the plots.

There were a ton of plots, lots of participants. All of the plots were active as far as I could see. It is a great source of inspiration in the works! Great to see you. 🐓🐓

Community gardens should be in every neighborhood!

That is the truth. Plus everyone should know how to garden. Think how much food we would have! Fresh food. 🐓🐓

Garden is looking great!

Thank you for your comment. 🐓🐓

Nice shots I like the old style what do you take them on ?

I had my I phone with me that day. Sometimes the photos are not as clear as I wish they could be. 🐓🐓

Its a nice effect vintage, I like it.

So great that your community has a garden. I wish ours did.

What's up aunt-deb? Been busy with new things? I am always happy to see you. Looks like some people are bowing out or slowing down on steemit or maybe just busy. Kind of bothers me, so when you come around it makes me smile!
Such pretty weather here and I can't seem to get a darned thing done. It has my head spinning in too many directions.
The community garden is a project at the University which always has people digging around planting and composting. I think everyone should be a gardener long enough to learn the basics.
Hope all is well with you and your sense of humor is intact! 🐓🐓

Been busy with work. My wacky schedule on top of the time change has me all messed up. It's not supposed to be dark in the middle of the afternoon. Sigh...

So nice to hear your weather is holding out and that's the perfect excuse to soak up as much as you can, regardless of what you happen to be doing. ;~D

Great place for the community garden - learning isn't just books and classrooms. I totally agree that folks should at least try it. They have no idea what they're missing and it's not something easily explained.

Trying to hang on to the sense of humor, although, some days are more of a challenge... thinking about upcoming holiday traffic in sloppy conditions... yikes!

Almost forgot - Yes, I've noticed a downturn on posts from mutual friends, too. Some are busy with getting ready for winter, but some are, I think, fed up with the ongoing clutter. By clutter, I mean the spammy, nonsense comments in our posts. Add in the throttling of votes and the army of bots, the incentives to post are being whittled away. Steemit could do better, but the whales don't feel the effects so I'm not holding my breath.

Beautiful! That is a real dream garden. your community have done a great job!

Thank you. They certainly have. 🐓🐓

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