Picking My First Blueberry From My Container Garden

in #gardening6 years ago
Today was exciting because I notice this years first ripening blueberries out in my garden. Even though a few are close to being ready, today only one was ready and I got a small taste.


This blueberry bush is now three years old. Last year was it's first year producing berries. This year I replanted it in a bigger pot to give it more room to grow. It's called a Top Hat Blueberry Bush which is bred to be perfect for container gardens.


We've had super weird weather this year. Back in March we had spring weather for a long period. It was warm and plants like my blueberry bushes started to grow and it was full of what would eventually become blueberries. Then, the temperature dropped back to winter-like conditions. The freeze killed all my daffodils and my blueberry bush temporarily seemed a bit shocked. The leaves turned redish and any signs of blueberries went away. Eventually, it recovered and now in June I'm getting my first blueberries. Sadly, I don't see too many. Back in March I saw signs the bush would be packed. The weird weather I'm afraid hurt my crop.

Last year I picked enough berries for a few batches of blueberry muffins and some pancakes. Not a lot but it is a small bush. I have a second Top Hat bush that is also three years old but has never produced a berry. I replanted it this year as well with some peat moss in the pot and fertilizer. I hope it produces berries someday.


I spent the day babysitting a relatives kid and my toddler has been wild having company. Even as I write this at 11:00 pm my toddler is going strong but is fussy. She won't go to sleep but is super cranky. I'm exhausted and as soon as whe goes to bed I'm going to crash and go to sleep early. At least I had a good day in my garden and I'm happy to get to have a few blueberries again.


Very Exciting. Very cute blueberry. In our country, It is not cultivated.
I first see a blueberry tree. It can be planted in a tub!! My child liked it so my brother sent blueberry jam from Sweden. Thanks for share.

I'm glad you got to try blueberries. They are one of my favorites. They are very good in bread or muffins. They are also pretty to look at.

Adorable! Yummy! Exciting!!

Oh, I get so excited over my fruit trees and bushes! My raspberries are just looking white now, but, they will be plump and juicy anytime now!

Yay you! Congratulations!

That's awesome. We planted around 20 raspberry plants this year. They probably won't produce anything until next year. My husband is obsessed with raspberries. I hope you get to enjoy yours soon.

You won't really get any to speak of this year, but last year and this year, hello!! They are amazing in abundance!!!

That’s so cool to have homegrown blueberries!
My dad used to have a raspberry bush and several apple trees. He was so proud of his fruits. I’m sure you are proud too.

It's neat your dad had some different fruits growing. I'd like an apple tree but we really don't have space for them. I've got four container raspberries though. I am proud of my work. It's nice to walk on the porch and see thing growing.

Hello friend, what a thrill, congratulations, how wonderful it is when you gather fruits worked with so much love and affection in your garden, and I know that many more will come. Blessings for you, greetings

Nice! I wonder if my parents could pull that off. We had blueberry bushes on our retaining wall most of my childhood, and I think we may have gotten a whole cup's worth of blueberries... total. Between small critters eating them and the deer chomping the plants down to stumps, they just never worked out.

Good luck with the kiddo. A good night's sleep should help!

They probably can. They could move the containers indoors in the winter where they are protected from extremely low temps. Just give it some water from time to time. They like acidic soil so plant it in a pot with a bit of peat moss mixed with the soil. I think burpees.com had a few different varieties good in containers. The Top Hats looked pretty. We recently bought one as a gift for my husband's mom who lives on a peninsula in Virginia. It'll be interesting to see how hers does in such a moist beach type climate.

Congrats on the rebound from the crazy spring it survived. So nice to see ripening fruit despite the setback!

I'm happy it survived. This years weather has been crazy since the new year started. Even now things are still weird. At least my garden is thriving.

Taking ingredients for your recipes from your own garden must be comforting :3

I have never in my life tried blueberries, but they look very similar to grapes (not sure if the taste is the same tho), can't wait to discover it when I go abroad!

I wish I could describe them. They don't taste like grapes but they have a similar texture in your mouth. The best way to have them is in muffins or bread. I'm not a fan of them in jelly or eating too many straight off the bush. They are good though.

This is how we measure success great to see such things.

First berry always brings the exitement in us.

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