
We have 1 rooster, 6 baby chicks (easter eggers and americaunas) we don't know who's a male or female yet. The chicks' mom is an Americauna and we have 7 leghorn hens we rescued from a factory farm when they got turned out, they're wonderful layers, but still a bit afraid of humans. We have a pretty small property, about an acre. Try to maximize the growing as well as leaving some room for our 3 sons to play. Their run is about 30 feet by 15 feet, however, I mostly let them roam free on the one side of the property with no food. They are constantly trying to break into my garden, I have to keep a really good eye on them. We'll be using your ideas for our next home. We're currently looking at big acreages, and hope to have one in the next year or two. How many birds do you have? What breeds?

I bet they're eyeing your garden, thats what they do. Sprinkling their grain over an area, in your case 450 ft., is a great way to keep your birds busy and not thinking about your garden so much. It will waste a little grain but they'll find most if it. Works best with whole or cracked grain so it can get rained on and not turn to mush.
I'd be afraid of humans too if I was a chicken resued from a cafo. Good for you for doing that!
You'll get some acreage, I know it.
I have 30 hens and a rooster named Rocky. Rhoad Island Reds, Americauna, Plymouth Rocks, Orpington, Wyandotte and some others I can't remember at the moment. The ones that make green eggs and I can never pronounce it, starts with an A, I think.
Got any questions about your chickens or gardening, feel frer to ask.

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