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RE: Worm Farming - Side by Side Comparision of Best Composting Worms.

in #gardening6 years ago

60 to 70 will be on the lower end for African's. They usually would need a good 75-85 temp range to produce like they should. If it drops down to much under 60 they will go dormmate and even start to die off. I would go with the Europeans nightcrawlers in your temp area. They do breed a little slower and compost a little slower but they make the best bait worms in my opinion. If African's have a problem under 60 degrees imagine what would happen when you tossed them into a cooler stream or river. Euros will even last 45 minutes in brackish water. When I say they breed slower you are talking about slower then worms that will multiply so fast you won't know what to do with them. Slower breeding worms can be better for bait also because if you overpopulate your bins the worms will not grow to bait size so you are always splitting your bins into two bins and then 4 to 6 weeks later splitting them into 4 bins. I think if you give European nightcrawlers a chance you will be very happy with them.


Great explanation! Thank you for your time!

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