Trying a few home made herby waters suggested by @quinneaker.

in #gardening7 years ago

I have a tub of herbs in my garden that I am not getting to use, they are over taking the pot but never had time to cook anything or use them until @quinneaker came up with a brilliant suggestion by adding them to a pitcher of cold water. So I gave it a try.

These are my herbs.

I haven't got a pitcher so used a large plastic cup to see if it worked then I will go out and buy a pitcher. Its a brilliant Idea as I don't drink nearly enough water and hate tap water, thinking a little flavour could mean a big difference.

I took some leaves from Black Peppermint plant.

I then chopped the leaves up and added them to the water.

I then placed it in the fridge to chill.

I was rather apprehensive trying it as the thought of Black Peppermint water didn't sound very good, I love pepper on my meals so was thinking will that be how it tasted. I took a sip first was shocked there was no sharp taste , there wasn't much of a taste but enough to take the bland taste of water away and give it something extra.
I have 3 other herbs in that pot.
Apple Mint
Lemon Thyme
I am going to play around with the flavours and see what I can come up with. This will help me drink more water.

Thank you for the suggestion @quinneaker very helpful :)

Thank you son-of-satire


They look nice healthy green plants - you must have a green thumb

I hope so, I am going to try Vegetables next year :)

glad you have found out something that will make you drink more water as this is essential for life continuity and growth

I am really bad for forgetting to drink, at least trying new flavours I will have to drink to taste them :)

You know what goes well with rosemary? GINNNN! Similar to water but not the same 😘

I do like a Gin, sounds gorgeous lol :)

Or try blitzing mint with a bit of frozen cucumber or even watermelon for THE most refreshing summers drink.... and of course you could add some gin to that 🍹🍹

There is so much to try lol

Some gin lol that sounds a good idea :)

I'm sure you will get a taste that you will like, I personally love the taste of lemon so I would defintly add that also with the leaves if the first taste was not to great but I wouldn't combine all the different leaves at first to be safe ^^. But there are many nice herbs and even flowers you can use to flavour your water. So goodluck and enjoy!^^

Thank you,I have just started my gardening, I have a few flowers growing, after I have tried the herbs I will try a few flower leaves .

It is a good idea you can put cucumber and lemon and ginger in it is very refreshing.

I am a big fan of Ginger, I will have to try that thank you :)

This looks so refreshing. I am going to get one of these plants and have a nice cool Black Peppermint drink. =)

Its worth a try, they are easy to grow too :)

Very cool idea! I need something to motivate me to drink more water.. this sounds worth a try :)

Thank you, Its cheap and free, well worth a go :)

What a great idea! We enjoy making our own flavored waters too!

I am going to try a few different flavours, I enjoyed it better than tap water so that must be good :)

I love infusing waters with herbs from my garden too :)

I am new to it but looking forward to trying new drinks :)

It's a great way to use the basil blossoms and even the stems of mint when you are using the leaves for other things. You can also add herbs to your sugar bowl to lightly scent and flavor it such as chocolate mint :) Throw herbs in ice cubes too for cocktails and teas :)

I am still unsure what I can use and what I can't I am still learning :)

By the way it really is a nice idea:) Will try it myself:)

It is and it gives me something else to keep me busy :)

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