Steps of planting onions using pots as a place to plant.

in #gardening7 years ago (edited)


Hay back with me @jhonmaks, who says we should have a vast land for gardening? It is a very ancient thought, with the development of the era and technology that continues to advance today many gardening techniques that have been developed. Currently I will make an article about planting onions using pot media, let's learn together!

Onion is one of the most important kitchen spices. Because almost all cooking is made using onion as a complementary material. No wonder the need for onions is increasing every day and make the price of onion was sometimes more expensive when compared with garlic and other vegetables.

Onion or also known as Latin Allium cepa var ascalonicum (L) back is a plant originating from Iran, Pakistan and the surrounding area is the most famous plant in the world. Because in addition to being used as a spice cooking, red onion also turned out to be in consumption by other means. Like for example used as fried onions, pickles as a complement of a dish, or in eating raw.

But not only used for consumption, onion is also commonly used for traditional medicine. Like for example used as a treatment for 'kerik' if you catch a cold. Not only that, red onion is also believed to have other properties in curing some diseases such as:

Treating ulcers, lowering cholesterol, lowering blood sugar levels, treating diabetes or Diabetes mellitus, and other diseases.

The variety of onion function above is because the onion has many useful content for the health of the body. Such as potassium and fiber content. Not only that, onions also contain vitamin C, folic acid, calcium and iron are also very useful for health and fitness.

If you are interested in cultivating onions, below is how to plant onion in potsehingga you can try it yourself at home. 6 simple steps of onion cultivation in pots for maximum results is a very simple way for those of you who want to learn to plant a shallot at home. Here is how to grow onions in pots to grow quickly:

choose container planting.


It turns out that the onion is a plant that is quite unique and different from most other plants. Because planting onions, you do not need a large area. You can plant in the yard of the house by using pots. And some ways to choose pots for onion cultivation are:

  • Select a hollow pot

The hole in the pot is very vital. No need to worry that the ground you put in the pot will come out of the existing hole underneath. The function of this hole is as a circulation of water so that every time the plants we planted watered, the soil in pots that do not contain excessive water that potentially damage the plant.

  • Pot type

There are two types of pots. There are placed on the floor and some are hung. If you choose a hanging pot, that must be considered is the weight of the pot. Especially when the pot just watered. Water will add weight from the pot. And if the pot is not strong, the pot can be broken because it is not strong to withstand the weight.

There are several ingredients commonly used to make pots with different functions. Such as pots made of plastic which is a pot that is quite cheap in terms of price. But sometimes the pot of plastic is shiny and quite dazzling eyes if exposed to direct sunlight.

In addition there are also pots made of ceramic and concrete that can maintain soil moisture for plants that require high humidity. Then there is also a pot with wood and clay base material suitable for use during the rainy season because it can keep the moisture of the soil inside. But the shortage of pots made of wood and clay is easily damaged.

The last thing to watch out for is the size. The size of the pot should adjust the plant and area of ​​the existing place. If you want to plant an onion, the pot used does not need to be too big. Even if there is already a big one, you can plant 2-3 seeds in one pot to make the place more efficient.

Prepare the seeds.


There are two events to get the seeds from the onion. By buying it at a farm shop or using the remaining onions of cooking material. And if you want to use the seeds of the remaining red onion, here are the steps to watch out for:

  • Red onion that can be planted is the old red onion. One way to differentiate the old red onion and the young is by looking at the color. The old onion has a darker color than the young onion.
  • Select onion that is single or do not have saplings.
  • Select the red onion that has seen shoots at the top and the roots at the bottom.
  • Ink appearance is not wrinkled.
  • Onion not in rotten condition.

Planting techniques.


After you have the onion seeds according to the above criteria, then we will enter the third stage. That is the stage of planting. In general, the planting stage consists of two things. That is preparing planting media and planting technique itself.

For planting media, there are several steps that must be considered. Some of the steps are:

  • The soil used must be a soil containing humus where one of its characteristics is to contain lots of earthworms.
  • For basic fertilizer, you can use the manure that has been dried as a mixture of soil as well as basic fertilizer.
  • The soil used must be loose.
    -Friable soil in addition to facilitate water absorbed by the soil will also facilitate the movement of roots while growing.

How to plant shallots in pots.

If the planting media has been prepared. The next step is the planting stage. Some of the steps are:

Input the ground that has been given the basic fertilizer into the pot.Tanah that have been inserted into the pot is well watered with water in advance soil moisture conditions.Before planted, the top of the red onion that mengkerucut in pieces ¼ part to stimulate the growth of new shoots.Saat planted , the part that had been cut had to be at the top and the bottom of the onion that has begun to look the root points placed below.


Keep in mind, the seeds of onion that you planted should not be buried as a whole. Let the top exposed to air and sunlight directly. As a note, try to plant the seeds of onion earlier in the morning or evening. Because during the day is the time when plants photosynthesize and also the air is drier than the morning and evening.

Treatment techniques.

There are several things you can do to take care of the onion plants you plant in order to get maximum results at harvest time. Some of these are:

In the early stages of planting, watering should be done twice in one day in the morning and afternoon. This is intended to maintain soil moisture. However, after entering the age of 10 days, water sprinkler itensity can be reduced to one time a day.

Weeding weeds.

Weeds are one of the enemies of the farmers. Especially in the rainy season where weeds can grow very quickly. Weeds can have many positive effects for plants. Like one of them is to interfere with the growth of onions that you plant or also absorb the nutrients that are in the soil that the planted onions do not get enough nutrients to grow.

Providing advanced fertilizer is another important thing.

But there is a need to be considered in the selection of advanced fertilizer. Because usually the advanced fertilizer consists of two types of fertilizer. Namely fertilizer leaves and fruit fertilizer. Provision of the wrong kind of fertilizer in a plant will affect the growth of planted plants. Because both fertilizers have different functions. Leaf manure is usually used for leaf and fruit fertilizer to grow fruit. If you plant an onion for the leaves, use a leaf fertilizer as a further fertilizer. And if you plant an onion for the tuber, use fruit fertilizer as a further fertilizer.

Pest control.


In general, there are two problems commonly encountered farmers who plant onions that you can also encounter when planting onions in pots. That attack caterpillars and also leaves are yellowing or wilt disease. Here's how you can do to fix it:

One of the characteristics of red onion plants caterpillar pests is the presence of white patches on the leeks. In addition, if we look closely, we will see some parts of the leaves that torn the caterpillar eaten. If exposed to this pest, there are two ways you can do. Chemical way and organic way. Chemically, you can spray the insecticide to the pest of onion plants. But if your onion plants are not too many in number, it is more advisable to overcome this pest in an organic way. That is taking, manually, the existing caterpillars.

  • Wilt disease.

Usual wilt disease is caused by a fungal attack with the characteristics of scallion starts yellowing at the tip and begin to wilt and twist. For this disease, just like in caterpillar pests, there are two ways that can be done. That is by chemical means and also by organic way. Chemically, we can spray the insecticide evenly. While the organic way, we can revoke the plants that have been affected by wilt disease and burn it so as not to spread to other seeds. Why revoke it? Because usually onion plants that have been exposed to wilting disease, most likely also experience decay in the fruit.

How to harvest onions.


Onion crops will typically enter a harvest period of 55 to 70 days from the date of planting. But despite that, there are other factors that affect the duration of onion harvest. One of them is the kind of red onion planted and the weather.

Weather factor is one factor that is very influential on the onion crop yields. Because as described above, onions include plants that do not require much water during planting. As more water is gained, the chance of rotting shallot will be higher and the possibility for crop failure may also occur. For that reason, when you decide to plant onions with pots, try the onion plants exposed to enough sunlight but still protected from rain water.

The way we know whether the onion plant is ready for harvest or not is to pay attention to the leaves. If the leaves are high and 90% have ducked, it's a sign of your onion crops can be harvested. If you want to use the onion harvest for your own consumption, you can immediately process it for immediate consumption. But different if you want to sell it.

Usually, the onion farmers, after their onion harvested, they will soon dry them in the sun 7 to 14 days until the water content is only 85%. This drying is intended to reduce the water content contained in the onion so it makes it more durable to save some time ahead.

That's how to grow onions using pot media, we can always make something useful for our lives. Creativity is the key word, if you add the creative word in your life whatever you can do.

Thank you for reading my article, may be useful for all our greetings from me @jhonmaks.

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