Move Over Summer !..... Fall Is Falling In

in #gardening5 years ago

Excuse me Mr. Pumpkin, could you move a little to the left so the pansies will show?..... Thank you !

fall porch grouping.jpg

This morning I thought my post was going to be a few photos of my new pansies. I adore pansies. They are so sweet and happy and no matter what color combination you choose, they are wonderful.

I just brought two containers home last night. Last year I had seen a pot of yellow and periwinkle mixed and I thought it was a wonderful combination. I didn't buy them though, but I thought about them again multiple times after and wished I had gotten them for my porch so there would have been a little pop of color through the winter. I vowed if I saw them again this year, I was going to have them and I did.... so I did.

Now the problem was, which photos to post? Is there any such thing a a bad pansy photo? Rarely I'm thinking, so they will "blink" through this past.

pansies porch closeup.jpg

After I walked out to the porch to take a few photos, I decided I needed to move the few straggly plants that were left there and Mr. Hoppy to the other side, to make room for the fall greeters near the door.

froggy regather 3.jpg


pansies porch 2.jpg

Mr. Hoppy has been the front door greeter since I found him spring of last year. I hope he doesn't feel slighted. :)

froggy regather.jpg


pansies porch 3.jpg

I found this ceramic Jack at a consignment store a few years back. It was just too happy to leave there. He is still inside where I can see him all the time though.

He made you smile.... didn't he? I knew it !

inside pumpkin.jpg

One pot of the pansies is still inside too. Not sure where they are going yet.

photo from indoors.jpg

It had not been my plan to do the front porch today, but once I was out there with the pansies, it just happened. Now it is all clean, organized and ready for fall. I'm a little late on that I suppose, but the weather has just started to feel like fall this past week.

fall porch greeters with cats.jpg

Hope you are all enjoying your day.

Love you ! Mean it !


These little blooms did not make the trip home intact. I was still compelled to photograph them. I thought they still looked a bit artsy. Now their little bloom carcasses are forever recorded on the block chain. :)

blooms that didn't make it.jpg


You've been visited by @minismallholding from Homesteaders Co-op.

Such a cheery little post! It brightened my day.

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I'm glad it did !

Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. :)

I love it Mr Hoppy LOL

Hee hee.... I'm not prone to name all my possessions, but once in a while, something just fits.

Everything always seems so cheerful in your world, and I love that. Pansies are some of my favorite too, although they are also a favorite of the deer, so I never end up with many.

I'm glad it seems cheery. I do try to make my environment cheery, so I will stay cheery.

I don't think I knew deer loved them too. My Mom lives in the country where there are many deer close by. She plants rows of them around her patio every November. Amazingly the deer have never cleaned them out. I guess she's just been lucky.

Mine will be on the porch, so if they want them, They are going to have to come up on the porch to get them. Not saying that can't happen...... :)

There you go, making everything on the blockchain all happy again! :)

I love pansies too and I need to get mine out this week before it gets too late! I love the color all winter and it suddenly refreshes itself in the spring for the very first colors!

Mr. Hoppy takes exception to your rule of moving him on over. Do tell! Seems like there should be enough room to sort of share the porchlight, no? And yes, you name almost all your possession, it is just how you roll, woman. :)

Alas, today turned totally autumn feeling about a minute or three ago... I am not sure I am going to last all winter without finding some sunshine! You know how I get allergic to this cold thing after a while. Beautiful post and always fun. I do love coming over here and need to stop being so busy so I can. :)

Thanks for the fun, El! Have a great week ahead!

!tip .20

I need some of that sunny happy from yesterday to fall back into today.

rainycloudyyuckyrainycloudy...... YUCK !! :)

My internet must have BLINKED off causing Alexa did not to tell me to get up. I then happily slept till nearly 11 o'clock !! OMG !! half the day was gone. I've been discomboobalated every since and with the rainycloudyYUCKy..... it feels like it should be 7 am now instead of 3 in the afternoon and my day is somehow slipping away.

That wasn't too sunny... was it ? What a rant ! LOL

Mr. Hoppy has never had to sit on the back of the porch before. I was curious if Mr Pumpkin would still be here this morning.... but he was !

With all the things that need doing and all the things we WANT to do, how do we do it all without being too busy? I don't know the answer.

Can you send some sunshine down here.... now ?? I'll be waiting.

Ohhh! Well sleeping in is never a bad thing, but, my internal alarm won't let me.

Le sigh.

But, to be honest, it was a really productive day, so I am pretty happy! The sun slipped away just a little while ago and now it looks - like autumn. Boo. Well, autumn is nice, but, you know what? What comes after that is just plain cold and misery. Well, after Christmas is over, it needs to be over, am I right????

I will be leaving on Thursday night/Friday morning-ish, and won't be back until right before Thanksgiving. Woo-hoo!!! And well, I will come back to winter, so that is not cool at all! But, I will be enjoying the sun and shine and will send up as much as I can!

!tip You can just never get enough of those!

Shouldn't you stay for fall and go to the sun and shine for winter?

I didn't think my internal clock would allow it either, but I stayed up till the wee hours and I guess that is why it has happened, but is also why I ordered an earlier alarm. Alexa is FIRED !

I hope you have a most wonderful time and I am sure you will. Do something fun there for me as I will never get to go myself, some fun should be had with me in mind. It's only fair. ha ha

Well, some of it will be work, most of it will be playing. I have a feeling I am going to get sent away sometime this winter, and hopefully, it will be somewhere nice. Sometimes it works out nicely and when it doesn't, I remain open to whining.

I will be going on a spice tour and I will be thinking of you the whole time. :)

Although, last winter my sister-in-law got sent to upstate New York in January for six weeks. Yikes!!! What kind of luck is that?

Ohhhhh ...a spice tour ! I'm enjoying it already !!

What kind of luck is 6 weeks of NY winter??? Terrible ! Terrible luck is what THAT is. :)

I know, right??? That is what working for Uncle Sam will get you. Unpredictable locations! :)

I'm excited about the spice tour too. It will be when I am in Aruba. Looking forward to it!

🎁 Hi @jacey.boldart! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

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🎁 Hi @jacey.boldart! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Birth Of Mankind Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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How lovely! Your entry way is so festive! Do you get trick or treaters? @tipu curate

No ! I am on the in-between of town and country. I know some of my neighbors that aren't that close to me, that don't have children. I've hardly seen any children, other than mid teens since I got here, which has only been a couple of years now. Actually, I do it for ME..... if there is no one else to enjoy it. My Uncle, who lives next door brings his great grandson on tours of my yard to see the spinners and whatever else is going on. Sometimes if I am home, he comes to the door and wants to play my piano. I sometimes leave surprise things out in the yard to play with, whirligigs, little cars, sand with tiny shovels and rakes..... but no trick or treaters.....

Years back I lived in neighborhoods with lots of trick-or-treaters. It was a lot of fun ! On year my teen niece wanted to lay down on my porch and me draw a chalk line around her like you use to see them do on tv after someone died. I did and the trick or treaters had to walk over it to come to the door. LOL.... We're a bunch of nuts !

Hello @jacey.boldart, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Thank you !

The pleasure was mine.

I appreciate you stopping by.

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