Gardening - I'm Growing Jalepenos and Chili Peppers - Yumm! [Bonus Clover Pictures]

in #gardening7 years ago (edited)

Good day my fellow Steemians! It is I, hypexals-spiral, here with a gardening post.

Two weeks ago now I bought a small planter from Wal-mart, and got some
Jalepeno and Super Hot Chili Pepper seeds, and planted them.

This is a picture I took as I approached them...


I was a bit saddened when, after a week the seeds looked the same, and
had not sprouted one bit.

Well today I went to check on them after tending to my wild clover plants,
and what'd'ya know it, they gone done and sprouted!

Happy me! Yay!

See here!


So I took a couple more picture of them for you all to see.

I'm very excited they have sprouted, the last rain we had must have done the trick.

That... and the hot, hot weather we've had here in Ontario, Canada!

See here, a close up of one of the sprouts...


The green pipe-cleaners signify Jalepenos whereas the pink ones are for Chili Peppers!

As you can see, only the Jalepnos have sprouted so far, but I'm still very pleased with the progress.

And here's another of the second sprouter!



Well, that's all for the sprouts for now. I will be posting updates on their growth progress the next little while.

I can already taste them in a home made chili! Mmmmm.


Bonus Pictures of my Wild Clovers






awesome! and good idea using those colorful things to mark which one is which.. i might use those too when i plant nxt year.. :)

Yes, they are quite helpful to know which is which!

I can't wait till they start producing peppers! Eeeee!

Best of luck to you. Hope you get all the peppers you could ever eat. I love me some jalapenos...home grown ones always seem so much hotter than the slices in the jar.

I know, I can hardly wait to eat some!

Cheers :)

Thank you, I appreciate the comment!

Rock on!

Nice sharing! It seems quite fun to plant in the garden!! But it is just sad that I don't have a garden..I don't even have a extra place which is big enough to put those tools..Sigh. So, plant more to replace my effort XD

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