Planting red potatoes putting them in pots.


The digging in the dirt has begun!

Today I potted up this years Springtime potatoes getting them ready to be put in the ground. This is what they look like.


I wasn't quite sure how many potatoes I had. I just know I had a bag full of them. So I guesstimated that I had at least 30 to 40. So I got 40 pots just to be sure. The pots I'm using are 4inch by 4inch square pots and I organized them like so. 10 pots to a tray.


Next I put in a layer of soil about an inch thick on the bottoms of each pot. Then I placed the potato inside. Turns out I had only 22 potatoes total. Which made my job easier because I could get rid of another tray. YAY!


I call this one my viking. Or maybe a samurai warrior? It has a nose and everything! All I need now is some Googly Eyes. HA HA


Well that's about it. I covered up the potatoes filling up the rest of the pots with potting soil. Then I watered them and placed them under the grow lights next to the rest of the starts till it comes time to put them outside.

If you've been following me now for the year that I've been on Steemit you might remember our potatoes we grew last summer. I never made a follow up of that blog because we ended up losing them all. You might also remember a blog that I posted about Black Blister Beetles. If you remember both of these YOU ROCK! And I LOVE YOU! No not really, but you know what I mean. You're definitely awesome though!!! And I'd love to smoke a joint with you ;-).

No really we lost our potatoes because of these beetles. THEY SUCK! If you find these beetles anywhere around your garden squash them like you would a Brown Recluse. Fun fact about these bugs, they come in all kinds of colorful variations. They aren't just black. In our case, a swarm of these black ones pretty much ate all out potato plants to the ground last year. IT SUCKED!!! Another fun fact, my picture I took last year to the right won @papa-pepper's Combination Photography contest that week.

In the end we just let the potatoes go. There was no saving them. It is possible there might still be some potatoes still there that might even be good. We will find out if anything starts growing back. Right now I'm worrying about Black Berry plants. They are already starting to grow back. AACK!!!

As always I'm Theo aka Rainbow Man and here is the PROOF!
PROOF I took this picture before I actually planted the potatoes.

No really here is the PROOF!!!
PROOF my hands are dirty so you know I really did this shit today... I mean,
PROOF of potatoes.

Thanks for looking and happy gardening!!!


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ah man... you could have really needed some googlyeyes there!!

Gardening can be frustrating, like playing golf.

You know you could have cut those potatoes in half.. as long as there's a eye you'll get a plant..

Yeah I know. We don't need that many plants Dave.

I don't think I've ever seen the word guesstimate written before, although I say if frequently, and now I've got the urge to write it. (Actually, I just did.)

I hope viking potato turns out to be a mighty plant.

HA HA Thanks Ginny! I'll keep you posted on Viking potato :-).

Do you get potato bugs down there? They can be a near full-time chore all season to kill here, however we get no beetles of any real nuisance. Well, we get japanese beetles but they aren't a plague on potato plants. I crush them and toss them to the chickens. They eat them frantic like M&M candies.

We like Kenebec potatoes and Stuttgarter onions. We have two gardens and the largest is 60ft x 110ft surrounded by 7 1/2 ft fence to keep deer out. We dug a shallow well out by the big one but haven't installed a pump yet. The climate engineering often throws drought at us so I've been mainly just planting the small garden next to the house for easy irrigation. There's only me and the wife but we might decide to plant both this year and can/freeze like never before. Since we quit eating meat we've regained our enthusiasm for stockpiling food. I've got most of the triaxle load of firewood left from this winter so I might not be laying up any more this summer. It's exciting to consider all summer spent digging in the dirt,...yeah I know that makes me weird.

It's great to read words from someone who is bonded to the land. Thanks for sharing.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

We have potato bugs but they aren't a big problem. We call them rolly-pollies.

We also have Japanese Beetles. In fact, I got a Japanese Beetle blog from last summer that I posted. I would gather them up and feed them to the chickens. It is fun feeding them to the chickens watching them all go nuts HA HA. They love it!!!

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