Alright I got one! My first Tomato Horn Worm!


I knew it wouldn't be long before I found me one of these in my garden!


Grandma said she found two of them the other day and I've been out everyday checking for more. So I knew I would find one eventually.

A few days ago while looking for Tomato Horn Worms I found a worm called the Pandora Sphinx Caterpillar. You can read about it here... (It is actually my last post)

Of course upon finding now my first Tomato Horn Worm, I had to do some more homework. I wanted to see what exactly Tomato Horn Worms metamorphosise into. You can read all about it here... (Or check out my last post of the Pandora Sphinx, it is the same link).


Sadly the Five-Spotted Spinx Moth isn't as cool as the Pandora Sphinx Moth. I don't even see 5 spots on this thing. Now I know what they look like so if I see them around my tomato plants I can chase them away because I know they are laying eggs on my tomatoes.

If you find these in your garden eating your tomatoes, I recommend feeding them to your chickens.

Thanks for looking!

As always I'm Theo aka Rainbow Man and here is the PROOF!
PROOF that I fed this big ugly green fucker to my cock!

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I hate those things. One ate an entire plant in a weekend while I was away. Nothing but twigs left when I discovered it.

That's why I fed him to my cock! Who doesn't hate these things?

I know they are a problem for you but I must say the little critter is cute. You could not have worded your proof statement any better ->> clever.

Glad you got a good laugh @squirrelbait.
If I happen to find a bunch of them, I will probably make a post feeding them to my chickens. It is fun watching the chickens go nuts LOL.

Straight up chicken feed right there. Good find.

Yep yep! If I find a bunch of them I will probably make a post feeding them to the chickens watching them all go nuts HA HA.

The chickens LOVE em. Great advice. They can strip a tomato like Warp 10!

This is what the tomato he was eating looked like.

Dude, those things will wreck a tomato plant in just a few days. Not to mention they will eat the tomatoes.

That's why I fed his ass to my cock HA HA! I couldn't resist.

LMAO, that's the bad thing about drinking coffee all the time, right as I take a drink I see your reply, then there is coffee everywhere. I should know better than to look at notifications while drinking.....

LOL sorry about that. Didn't mean to cause you to make a mess.

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