Tomatoes in December!

in #gardening7 years ago


Earlier this year, we built our 2nd walipini (earth sheltered greenhouse) and so far it's paying off. It's the middle of December here in KY (11 days from winter) and we have tomatoes (and peppers) on our plants!



Gosh! I just love walipinis! You are so fortunate to have one!

We are very blessed :-)

Can you say JELLY, I am so jelous Would love to have a climate to build me a walipini that would survive temps in Canada. Like tonight we are going to dip down to -20 with a wind chill of -27, so I don;t think it would work, also have never seen anyone around these parts with them, and I am well connected in our gardening community. Thanks for sharing, as I drool.

I'm a big believer in "you never know until you try". You should build a small one and see how it does - you might be surprised!

I seen a couple pics of a walipini in Canada used for growing pot. Even if you did not get year around growth, you could get some killer season extention.

I did some experimental season extension growing by planting a second round of seeds, root veg in mid to late August, hoping to have a harvest by early November, but sadly we had our first frost by early October which is not characteristic, and we had snow in October which typically we don;t see before mid Nov so that screwed up my plans. But will look into this idea. Thanks. Victoria and Vancouver have a much warmer climate compared to where I am.

fancy! an earth sheltered greenhouse! great idea!!! I love watching what life I can grow in my own home in winter. :) Right now I am trying to sprout some sunflower seeds to eat. mmmm

I've been wanting to try sprouting!

My sister is the blog

Would be cool to see them mature!

Yes! They're about 3 inches diameter right now, so hopefully soon!

About this time every year we all start craving a fresh tomato out of the yard! Think of me when you're enjoying those beauties!

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