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RE: It's Seed Catalog Season Already!

I'm trying not to think about it yet, lol. I'm sure I will order varieties that I have never grown before. I'm a sucker for beans, especially dry beans and squash, . There are so many kinds of each and they are so pretty. There are so, so many varieties of lettuce out there these days, too. But I have a harder time getting enthused to try every one of them.


Check out Salanova lettuce by Jonny's Seeds

I've heard that's pretty good. I think that's what Curtis Stone grows for his commercial harvest for restaurants on the Urban Farmer.

You're absolutely right. In fact, that's how I first heard about that variety. We should try to recruit him to Steemit. He would be a great addition to the community.

Absolutely. I think Steemit would have to have a bigger audience and a long tail for payoffs, though. YouTube and websites have payoffs a lot longer than 30 days down the line, especially for his evergreen content. He would be a great addition, that's for sure!

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