The Flower Gardens on July 1st

in #gardening6 years ago

These are the highlights around the flowerbeds the first of July.

South Herb - 4 o'clock, bellflower, heliopsis crop June 2018.jpg
South Herb garden: The mystery flower is a bellflower

I kept very poor notes for 2 years from 2014 – 2016 and I had no idea what this was when it came up. It was prolific, had invaded the plants all around it. I weeded it out of them and left it, to see if I could figure out what it was.

South Herb - heliopsis, Roman wormwood, 4 o clocks, bellflower crop July 2018.jpg
South Herb garden: the bellflower on left, heliopsis in center, 4 O’Clocks behind, and Roman wormwood to right

West Herb - butterflyweed, bible plant, lemon balm, tansy crop July 2018.jpg
West Herb garden: butterflyweed center, lemon balm upper left, bible plant lower center, tansy right side

Rose, hibiscus, mountain laurel crop July 2018.jpg
Big rose on left, white hibiscus in center, mountain laurel on right

Climber rose blossoms crop July 2018.jpg
This climber rose came from my father’s house 35 years ago. It’s tenacious and I have never identified it.

Blackeyed Susans crop July 2018.jpg
Black-eyed Susan volunteers outside the 4th Fence garden

These are one of my favorite flowers.

4th Fence - daylilies1 crop July 2018.jpg
4th Fence garden: Daylilies just starting to flower

These were the ones that caught my eye as I wandered around.

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