Blueberries Are Ripening!

in #gardening7 years ago


I planted my first blueberry bushes approximately 7 years ago and I now have four full grown bushes and one younger one. It took a while for the bushes to get established but now that they have I’m rolling in blueberries for 6-8 weeks every year. And blueberry bushes generally live and produce 40-50 years so I’m good for a while.

To demonstrate how they grow, here is one of my bushes in 2012


And here is that same bush today under the netting


When growing blueberries it’s important that the PH level of your soil is on the acidic side. You want your soil PH to be between four and five. If it is any higher you should adjust it by applying pelleted sulfur or some type of soil acidifier. I test and usually apply a little each fall to make certain the PH stays low.

I normally do not use peat moss in my garden; however it does work well to mix some in when preparing your bed for blueberries. Compost and peat moss mixed in with your existing topsoil along with some organic fertilizer and pelletized sulfur if needed should make your blueberry bushes happy. As with most vegetables, make sure your bed is in a sunny location also. It is recommended to fertilize generously in the spring and lightly in the fall to maintain your plants and apply some type of mulch to protect your plants at least once a year.

Another important thing to know with blueberries is to plant at least two different varieties to allow for cross pollination. It is also wise to plant a variety that produces early and one late to extend your season and to pick a variety that is suitable for your climate since some are more adaptable to colder winters. Some varieties stay close to the ground while others grow over 6’ tall so plan accordingly.

After all this work it is important to keep the birds out. After all you didn’t do all this for the birds right. It is not advisable to drop netting directly on top of the bushes. I found the netting gets tangled with the branches and the blueberries start popping off. I decided to build a frame with PVC pipping. PVC is relatively inexpensive where I’m located and it is easy to get all different connectors for assembling the frame.





PVC is also easy to saw through so you can make the frame the proper size. Simply hammer an iron rod into the ground and slip the PVC over it to hold your frame in place. Once the frame is in place you can drape the net over the frame and use rocks or landscaping pins to hold the netting down. If you want to get fancy you can build some sort of a gate or door but I just crouch down and move a couple rocks to get inside to pick.


Blueberry bushes should be pruned each year after they are 2 or 3 years old. I usually wait until the fall when they are done growing to prune but you can do it in the early spring or late winter before they bloom. I find it easier to see what I’m doing with some leaves still on the bush. The older canes will eventually stop producing so they should be cut off at that point to allow room for the younger canes to come in. I will do a follow-up post in the autumn and let you see a before and after shot when I’m pruning.

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Very nice! I used to grow blueberries when I lived in Illinois. Beautiful to watch them go from light green/whitish to pink to purple to dark blue.

Yes and it's tricky picking them because you don't want to pick too soon and get a sour one.

Right :) Do you ever make jams or jellies, or do you just eat them all raw?

Just eat them. I have my college boy home for the summer who eats a lot so between the three of us we go through them.

Very nice! I would too!

I'm surrounded by commercial blueberry fields.

Believe it or not, your post makes me want blueberries.

I take that as a compliment. Thanks

That's how I meant it.

This really is my favorite time of the year.

The blueberries will start here any time, the bushes are drooping with berries, then cherries, peaches, apricots, nectarines.

Next season I plan on moving my little blueberry bush to a sunnier area and hopefully getting a companion. When my wife got it for me as a gift, she didn't know about getting more than one.

I think it helps to have more than one.

I definitely need to do some blueberry bushes. These look awesome!!!!!

Thanks. They taste pretty awesome too. Organic blueberries are so expensive in the store.

We just picked our first blueberries today. They are little late ripening from former years because of the weather.

I have two bushes almost done already. Two more to go and raspberries just starting.

Our raspberries are looking good this year too. It took a few years to establish them well. Finally you will reap the rewards of our work.

Japanese beetles love raspberries. I have mine covered with a row cover but every time a strong breeze comes along it gets blown off. They are a real pest where I live.

We have huge Japanese beetle problems where I live but they don't go after a raspberries. They go after are grape vine, Wisteria, Jack's walking stick, and are almond tree. We used to have plum trees but they would devastate them to the point of killing them off

Blueberries are a joy of summer! You've got a nice system for keeping the birds from getting them. Those blueberries are too valuable!

Yes they are valuable. Too much labor involved to have them become bird food.

I hope you see some birds while you are eating your blueberries! The berries will taste even sweeter, lol! ; )

Oh. MMM. Blueberries are my favorite, but I've never grown them. I used to dream about what it would be like to be inside the book Blueberries for Sal. I cannot imagine what it would feel like to have a whole bucket of blueberries. MMMM

I'm not getting buckets but a pint every other day.

mmm. Have you read Blueberries for Sal? Just a delightful children's book. :)

I had blueberries in a container once. They did alright but the birds did get whatever came about! Haha

I bought some honeyberry this year but missed out on a companion (just like blueberries you have to have another variety). So it will be lonely until next year.

Love your set up. I think if I ever get anything together maybe a more permanent caged off area might be a good idea!

Thanks. Yeah the birds are relentless.

Amazing work!

You're teaching us to feed ourselves, what a great gift!

Thank you. That's my goal. Help as many people as possible with gardening techniques I've learned through the years.

I knew blueberries needed specific conditions to produce well and, boy, you know what you're doing. That's a hefty crop!

I was wondering how you kept the PVC frame in place. The stakes are are simple, effective solution. Good thinking!

Thanks. I almost forgot to put that detail in.

We can get high winds here. Something like this would end up in the next county if it wasn't tied down. I'll have to keep this design in mind for potential later projects.

We just had high winds in a storm and it's still standing. As long as the rods are at least a foot high and you put a heavy net over it, the frame should stay in place unless your weather really gets crazy. Also it only needs to be up for a couple months while the berries are ripening.

Wow, that's impressive. I'm going to have to give it some serious consideration.

I can think of a number of other uses for that type of frame, too... a temporary greenhouse (using plastic sheeting instead of netting) just to name one.

Yes I've also used PVC frames for row covers when I'm trying to protect my fall cole crop from the moths in the summer.

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