Indoor Gardening Update 4-4-19

in #gardening5 years ago

My hydroponics system and other plant setups are doing great. Today we are transplanting lots of seedlings to pots and planters. We are also starting new pepper seeds.

My seedlings:


Peppers, parsley, oregano, & tomato.

My friend Hailey and her kids help me setup my self watering planter for my pepper plants…



This setup ensures you don’t over water your plants as it has a reservoir at the bottom with an overflow valve. The roots grow down to the underground water the same way wild plants do in the forest basically.

So next we planted the tomato plants.




I had one Pepper seedling left so we got that into a pot also…


My friend from Canada known here as @bluntsmasha sent me some pepper seeds. I got Yucatan white habanero, Yucatan yellow habanero, Scotch bonnet, Jamaican red mushroom pepper, banana pepper, and Chocolate ghost pepper. These are the ones I planted today. I also got paprika and Brazilian starfish but didn’t plant those yet. Not enough cloth pots or space currently.



Now we moved the herbs over. I have oregano, parsley, and cilantro going at the moment. My chives don’t seem to want to grow.


My microgreens are doing great both in the soil pots and the hydroponics setups.



We are regrowing celery from the old left over stalk from store bought celery…


I placed a cage around the potted seedlings and added a grow light. The cage is to keep the cats away who enjoy eating the baby plants…


So there you have it. That’s my food garden so far.

Here is a look at our regular house plants we are growing to. I don’t really know what exactly they are but they are fun and my wife Addie can answer questions about them if you really want to know later. Some are above water and some are underwater plants…


Hope you enjoyed the blog!!!

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Wow everything is growing except for the chives. I like your self watering planter and want to do do similar full of tomatos.

im told it works great for tomatoes... i got so many of those going right now though... hoping my peppers take off...

I have one picked out now but just trying to source it locally instead of ordering it. Before your post, I never knew there were self-watering planters. Forgeting to water has been my main fopah at gardening. These planters will fix that so big thank you!

hope yours works out...

Awesome system and nice growth! You are on your way to aquaponic systems soon!

Posted using Partiko Android

later this summer we will setup our fish tanks for aquaponics. had to use the money we set aside for it to do some vehicle maintenance. but got an idea for the 55 gal fish tank...

Awesome. I was eorried when yhey didnt make it in the first week. I wish you much success in your growing season.

thanks. i think they will do fine. i have to go south for a week but my neighbor (friend who helped plant everything) will come care for things while i am gone. will get heat for them soon. hopefully tomorrow.

I didn't know you could grow celery from the store bought stock leftovers. I will try that later today.

I can't seem to kill my chives. 12 years ago I planted them in the holes of a cinder block. The block moved to our new house and got thrown aside during the move. It sat on its side for 2 years without any attention from anyone.

Today I have two 5x20 foot raised beds made of cinderblocks (i got a screaming deal on Craigslist) with every other hole filled with chives divided from that first cinderblock.

It is a theory of mine that the slugs won't pass the wall of chives to get to my garden. It seems to work as I don't have a slug problem in my garden.

i cant get my chives to sprout. from what i understand the celery wont grow into stalks but will leaf out real well for trimming and use in soups and stirfrys etc... it seems to be doing well in a bowl of water in direct sun half day.

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