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RE: Tomato clones started rooting

in #gardening6 years ago

When I first cut everything, I actually cut a bunch of branches along with the "suckers" because I thought you could clone any cut. I later realized that night that only the suckers will clone. All of the branches were dead and yellow in 24 hours while all of the suckers were still fine. I kind of lost hope after waiting so many days but just kept them in anyway. The one s in the pottery cup actually had all the water dry up and the bottom of cut was dried out, I cut it back further and put it back in water and it came back to life.
I'm going to try cloning more stuff (probably from random plants in public) especially now that I have some clone gel.
I'd really like to get some cuts from avocado and mango trees. Small mango trees in a 3 gallon bucket cost like $60 in my area. small banana tree same size only like $10-20.

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