Baby Watermelons
Have you ever seen a baby watermelon? I hadn't until I started growing some. They grow on a creeping vine that spreads (so you need a bit of space) and start off small and furry. We are still some number of weeks from having full sized watermelon so fingers crossed they keep growing.
Why watermelons? For a couple of seasons I have been buying from a website called The Seed Collection. They have an offer of 20 different packets of season specific seeds for $20 ( The summer one included watermelon, so here we are.
The plants are pretty hardy. I have been watering them but beyond that they haven't really required much care and have grown nicely. If you like watermelon I would recommend having a go. So far it has been one of the easier plants I have tried to grow.
Delicious watermelon in the making, enjoy @datascience :)
Organic food is a real gold of health!:)
Food from our garden always tastes so good. I really should dedicate some more time and energy to it.
Easy?? really?! I've heard that they're difficult. Great picture, and good read.
Interesting. I hadn't read anything either way before this. It has been easy for me and I would my consider myself a mediocre (or at least lazy) gardener. Maybe I just got lucky 😃
I grow a "Crimson Sweet" variety i got from baker creek. Absolutely delicious!
what variety are you growing?
Charleston Grey. The Crimson Sweet look good, I should see if they are available here.
my kitchen garden is ravaged by possum problem , apparently you don't seem to have that issue.
We do have possums. They love the apple tree. So far they haven't gone after anything else.