in #gardening7 years ago


Compost, you are like a newborn baby.
You are like rebirth.
You are like eternity.

There are two reasons why I'm convinced that humans have something to learn from trees.

  1. Trees grow using the resources they find in their spot. They are the quintessence of a good economic model. Imagine if humans built their houses not taking resources from other places, but from their spot. I dream one day of nano-technologies and smart thinking that will allow us to do so - not taking sand from the nearby rivers, wood from some far-away forest, not energy or water from a grid.
  2. Trees feed themselves. IMG_3001piccola.JPGHow smart is it?!

Producing leaves that will collect sun and oxygen and that will fall down at the end of summer. Leaves that become compost during winter and eventually become nutrients that will allow the same tree to grow and create new leaves for next season.
It blows my mind. Definitely something I would like to copy.

We are not trees, but as humans we did learn something from them: COMPOSTING.
Last year was the first time I did composting.
I started in Spring 2016: I put together four pallets to create a little corral and every day I fed it with organic material. Leaves, grass, rotten vegetables, coffee grounds, left over pasta and food. I didn't put meat or fish because I didn't want foxes to mess around in the composter.
Just choose a shady area for that place. I created the composter under a big walnut tree.

A year has passed and today I can collect a black compost - with a strong, rich, smell and full of seeds. In fact I spread some of it near the mais and a lot of new tomatoes plants have born.
Now it's time to dig my treasure out! (4).gif

Thank you compost, thank you nature, thank you God for this wonder.


Do you guys compost organic material? Do you like it?


I just started composting :) wrote a couple articles on it as well, hope to continue the practice as I cultivate my future homestead

Great :) happy composting and homesteading!

what a beautiful post! will be working on my garden soon!

Thank you! What are you going to plant?

I just loved this article. Just to hear you give thanks to nature and the god of your understanding does my heart good.

Nature knows what she is doing...she's been doing it for over four billion years. Why fight her when we can just copy her.

Why fight her when we can just copy her

That's exactly the point! Through observation, experimentation and sharing our experiences we can imagine a much better and safer way of producing food.
Thank you!

Hello @cryptofarmer! I really enjoyed your compost post. I want to let you know that I referenced it in Cryptocurrencies Are Meant To Be Free - Just Like Seeds, Mother Nature's Tokens of Exchange

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