Tending the Garden #SteeMeditate

in #gardening6 years ago

20180604_094232~2.jpg Cheyenne Purple tomato flower

As Voltaire says through his character Candide, "I will tend my garden." It has been a hard pull to reclaim this rectangle from the invasion of Bermuda grass, but I feel like I turned an important corner today.

Soundtrack: Joanna Newsom, 81:

I managed to clean up and plant one bed a couple of months ago, and it is thriving.


Today, I managed to complete digging out and sifting grass rhizomes from the second walkway. It takes hours and requires a lot of diligence to remove as many growth tips as possible so that they don't reinvade.


The weather is heating up, so work must be accomplished early or late. This morning, the bipolar elevator is going up, so I bounced out of bed and hit the dirt for over 2 hours.


I managed to install the boundary with cinder block and board. The sense of fulfillment really feels good, and I am motivated to keep up this morning routine until I have cultivated the entire space.


Green beans, cukes, squash, green onions, broccoli, and tomatoes are hitting their stride. I hope to grow all the vegetables my family of three needs, plus hopefully more to share with my community.

"Voltaire in Candide says that “tending one’s own garden” is not only a private activity but also productive (1759)
The enlightened playwright and social critic Voltaire (1694-1778) concluded his satirical tale Candide (1759) with the observation that the violence and plunder of kings could not compare with the productive and peaceful life of those who minded their own business, "cultivated their own garden," and traded the surpluses with their neighbors." http://files.libertyfund.org/pll/quotes/207.html

20180604_094239~2.jpg Cherry tomatoes beginning to set

As Joanna Newsom sings,

"We broke our hearts in the war between St. George and the dragon. But both in equal parts are welcome, I'm inviting everyone."

It speaks to me that both my dragon part and my chivalrous knight are both welcome in the garden of my self. The propane ground torch I use to scorch the sifted grass is a beneficial destruction and very much dragonlike!

"The amends you made are enough for one life, be done."

Far better to tend the garden than to persist in self recriminations that only leave me wrung out and uselessly despondent.

"I believe in innocence, regardless, I believe in everyone."

I believe we all have to power to tend what garden we have to bring about a world of more creativity and more care!

May all beings dwell in love, kindness, peace, and joy.



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We have a bipolar cottage over here if you ever want to spread your garden Love, tehe. Want to do almost the same of this. Ps, never heard this song and very calming to the nerves. <3

Hehe when you said "spread your garden love", why did I instantly imagine spreading rich manure over the ground?

The Bipolar Cottage! I love that phrase and I am gonna adopt it for my own. The key imo is written in The 4 Agreements where it says that DO YOUR BEST still means the best we have in us at any given moment. Last week, my best was getting out of bed at all and showing a friendly, if somewhat forced, smile to my family. Today, getting up was fun and easy to get busy. Know what I mean. And not beating myself up about it nor trying to front.

I am so glad to introduce you to Joanna Newsom's 81. It is on the album Have One On Me that contains some of my favorite songs of all time. Glad you found it soothing 💝


I hear you. 81, yup. Ty.

This post was chosen to be featured in this weeks SoCal Spotlight!! Thank you so much for being part of the #socalsteemit community.


Omg, WUT?! That is awesome, I really appreciate it!

Good for you!!!
I have lots of Bermuda grass for you to sift LOL

Argh!!! I enjoy alternating sifting with killing by fire.

I am planning a post about the positive side of Bermuda. Stay tuned!

I will. There always is a positive side. I know my friend used to dig up the roots, dry them and sell them to Chinese Medicine stores. Do you know what they are good for? I could make a fortune!!!

I have no idea but I too would be fabulously wealthy if there were such a value. Lol!

yayy its looking so good! I was going to share a photo of my tomatoes, too. theyre blowing up!!!!

Exploding Tomatoes would be a badass band name ;) Please do share! Your garden inspires me.

Here is a great read about Voltaire's life. What an amazing person. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2005/03/07/voltaires-garden/amp

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