A Bargain Bag of Bulbs!

in #gardening7 years ago

I love those days when you head to the shops to browse and discover a HUGE bargain. If you're in the UK and are looking for bulbs, I highly recommend you get your butt down to B&Q as they're selling off spring bulbs at slashed prices. In fact, at this time of year, you can find bulbs for pennies in many places.


Because the main bulb planting season is over. It's normally done in the autumn, giving the bulbs to put out a few roots, settle in during the winter and then explode, triumphant and in flower, in spring. So with all that extra stock, retailers are trying to get rid of them. Of course, all of these bulbs are perfectly fine! They may not flower if they're planted too late...but that's no problem; they'll grow leaves, gather energy and plump up their bulbs ready for the next year. However, I have found that planting bulbs even as late as early Feb can still result in flowers.

Want to see what I got?



I am NOT fond of yellow daffodils. I just don't like them. White ones, however, I think are elegant and stylish and I'm happy to flood my garden with them. I particularly like this 'Pheasant Eye' variety. And you can see, one type does have some yellow...perhaps I'm weaning myself onto the colour.

I've also been very happy with the Iris reticulata flowering in my garden this year - a variety called 'Katherine Hodgkin'. It got me thinking about starting a little collection and hey presto, here are bags of 50p Iris reticulata 'Harmony'. These won't flower until next year, but if I pop them into some soil quickly hopefully they'll sprout a few leaves to make some energy for 2019.

So if you're planning on heading out this weekend, try and see if you can find a bulb bargain!

Thanks for reading,



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My rule of buying plants: If it's on bargain, I BUY ALL OF IT. Hahaha. I always figure I'll find a use!

~ Kevin

Haha. You're SO right. I had to hold myself back from buying too many!

Irises!!! <3

I, too, love an excellent bargain. This season I was keeping an eye on the Dahlia tubers because they were so expensive, and really didn't drop much in price even at the end of the season. Maybe next year.

Those Narcissi certainly will make a stunning display. :)

I share your iris love. ;D

Same here actually. Dahlia tubers didn't seem to go down in price at all...which is a surprise as normally there's a big sell off.

ME too I am not a fan of Yellow either, especially for daffodiles. I dont mind marigolds but not daffodiles. LOL

Totally the same. I love zingy yellow and orange in the right place - just not on daffs!

Just done the same. Got a pile of bulbs to find a spot for now.

Ive just been out in the garden popping them all in. Its hard to find space. :)

Might have to do mine in the dark. The puppies have entered their digging phase and decided any patch of loose soil just has to be dug up!

Oh dear! Yes, i can see it now...pulling the bulbs as fast as you pop them in.

And today they discovered my pile of plastic flowerpots. They have been racing around the garden with them now...

I have added some flowers to my garden this coming year also... fressia, day lilies (already in the ground) and more.

A little burst of color will be refreshing against all the green from the herbs.

Oh, i love daylilies. Just a shame they last up to their namesake and only last the day!

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