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RE: Summer Garden Update

in #gardening7 years ago

The poly pipe used to be the frame for my light baffles while star gazing, now they just act as fence posts. What we do is capture rain water from the garage roof into 2 rain barrels and that stretches out the rain for us.
And ya, the chickens are very responsive....and a better early warning system than the dog!


I'm curious about the light baffles. Are they used to block the light glow from nearby city lights?
Here in Arizona, Sedona has the dark sky initative and no street lights. Flagstaff is working toward that goal.
We're out near The Petrified Forest and have a great night sky view.
Yeah, your dog like mine is probably unable to warn you of approaching people with the ball in its mouth.
The dog always ready, let's play! lol

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