When you think you're done - But NOT!! (Part 1) - by @naomi.louise

in #gardening6 years ago (edited)

Life has changed so much since I was at school. Teachers took care of everything from teaching to training. Parents only got involved on a limited basis. Nowadays it seems different. Maybe it's just the schools we picked for our daughters.

Where it all began.

When my eldest first went to kindergarden and we had our first parent-teacher meeting, the school asked for volunteers to be class representatives. These parents would help with 'odds and ends' the teacher needs help with. For example arranging class parties or sending group messages to the rest of the parents. My husband promptly nominated me for the role!

At first I didn't like the idea, because I know myself as well as my personality. People either love me or they don't. Let's just say I don't suffer fools easily But for my daughter, I could at least try. Like any other task I take on, I did it full tilt. The year almost past without incident so all and all success!.

Image credit

The next year and new school had no class reps. All good. Two years ago we received a letter from school asking the parents to volunteer with netball training, garden project or both. I asked my eldest if she wanted me to be involved in any of the tasks. She begged me to do both! The way I see it... As long as she wants to be seen with me - I'll be there!

Netball training is what it is. The garden project is something our school started years ago where each grade is alloted a part of the school's gardens. The group of voluteer parents then have to work in the garden and make it their own. A third party is then asked to judge the gardens and appoint a winner. Fun!

That year I was picked as the leader of the pack because 'I had the biggest mouth!' Our garden was around the newly built grade R centre. We had a blank canvas (dust and building rubble included). Of the 24 volunteers only 6 pitched!! (People more often than not SUCK) The six of us worked and panted the new garden and made it our own.

Gr R before 1.JPG


2018-03-22 10.37.13.jpg


Gr R before 3.jpg


2018-03-22 11.17.15.jpg


We didn't win or even place with our efforts that year, but we had so much fun and special frienships were formed around the simple task of planting. Last year the garden got second place!

** If you like my posts, please follow me @naomi.louise


Things look different in that part of the world. Over here, a teacher dare not ask a parent to volunteer. The first question that will come from the parent, Ain't we paying school fees.

It was be fun over here if they adopt such method, like you said. Aside not winning, new friendship was started and it was all fun. Part of the things we do for family. Well done

If it was to watch TV , everyone would turn up!

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