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RE: Why You Should Grow Perennial Chives

in #gardening6 years ago

Spring memories...
These little beauties were welcolmed every year...the family would be about sick of goat cheese, chives and other wild spring greens would bring it back into flavored favor!

They make great spring gifts if you need to thin them... I've gifted away and now received some of my own back to begin again here in the Ozarks!


I am dreaming of spring. Cabin fever is starting to make me twitch!

I would gladly gift some of mine. I let them reseed happily because I have a goal of creating perennial food all around us. I get tired of eating preserved food around this time and really go nuts for fresh! One day I'll get a system going so we can grow some nice greens in the winter.

You live in such beautiful country! I've never been but I love looking at photos and the Ozarks is spectacular.

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