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RE: Inspirational Farmers Leading The Way To A More Sustainable, Healthier, Food-Abundant Future

in #gardening8 years ago (edited)

Recently I have finished online course about Agriculture in Australian Open University. I did it not on purpose, just for myself and to understand the problem of future nutrition. And I was shocked - what a great number of different modern gadgets and machine now are used to analyse, to grow and to gather the harvest. Thank you for your post.


The farms of today are not our grandparents farm thats for sure. Technology is useful in todays farms but the old methods that mimic nature can last for generations without ruining the land or risking our health and food genetics.
Thanks for reading my post. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

By the way, I commend you for taking that course just to learn more about feeding people. Im not so sure I believe the academics that push the story of future food shortages due to population growth.
Did you know that right now we grow enough food for the whole world and waste 50% of it? Our food problems are problems of distribution and the methods we use to produce food. The US has enough lawns growing grass to feed its entire population if it converted to food production. Just the pasture devoted to raising horses could feed most of the northern hemisphere.
I think the UN and world governments push the fear of future food scarcity on us to create a reaction. Saturation in media created fear creates pressure from the bottom, ie. the people, demanding a solution from their leaders. A predetermined solution to an orchestrated problem. We can grow enough food. Im sure of it.

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