Tomatoes Growing At A Furious Pace - June 20th 2018

in #gardening6 years ago

First time growing anything at all, but from what I have gathered, the tomato is one of the treasures from the garden that a gardener must grow to consider success.

Well I am praying these puppies keep growing and eventually turn red so that I may enjoy the fruits of all my hard labor! One thing for certain, is that the knowledge of how to grow these bad boys will never leave my brain. I will take this with me to and teach all my future children how to grow and care for plants.

I am no expert in any fashion. But determination, a little bit of research and help from the internet, and of course help from friends, mixed with a lot of man power (No roto-tiller yet) to get the job done and the plants in an environment where they will grow and hopefully thrive.

My corn is beginning to grow very big and thick. May need to consider wrapping with protection to prevent the deer from hitting the corn when it begins to form. My potatoes are growing, underground obviously so there's no way to tell how well they are developing. I pray that no sunlight damages any of them.

The spaghetti squashes I planted are beginning to explode and are crawling all over the place! I should have really thought this one through.. I did not realize how big some of these plants could get! It is beginning to crowd my farm and the main hugelkulter as well.

The tomatoes pictured are from the plants that are in the dirt, not in a container. They dirt where they are planted was supplemented with composted manure and peat moss and perlite before planting. Seems to be helping them fine.

Yay for growing your own food! If only my broccoli would have this much success.. at least look like it is getting to success... my broccoli plants are being ravaged by caterpillars. I went on a caterpillar squishing spree today and sprayed a Neem Oil on all the broccoli, kale and cabbage. Hoping that it halts the destruction.




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