Reclaiming The Backyard Firepit, Part 10

in #gardening7 years ago

The rain finally moved passed us and the temperature has been climbing back into tolerable territory.

Today's goal was to clean up more buckets for the container garden. I'd done eight already, six of which are already in their new locations, awaiting plants. This was the tangle I was taking on for the next batch:

Oh, joy... more rose vines.

The one good thing the recent rain has done, is loosen all the weeds in the area this batch of buckets was occupying - this was the easiest removal yet! I think you can sort of tell how muddy it got once the vegetation was out. That's why I left Tinker inside.

She got to come out to inspect things once I had the landscape fabric tacked in place. I'm doing a generous overlap and using the pins to discourage the weeds from trying to work their way through. Hopefully, being able to keep the mulch thick enough in the future will ensure I don't have to do this project again.

Here's a better view of how the fabric is pinned flush with the edge of the tiles. That should keep any weeds out or easily pluckable should one pop up, especially once the mulch is in place, and make a nice clean edge.

It doesn't sound like much got accomplished, but I ended up with seven more buckets ready for planting, a sizable section ready for mulch, and three bags of waste ready to be toted out for pick up.

I also moved most of the buckets into their permanent places. I've picked up the bussels sprouts, tomato, and pepper plants already. I got wacky and grabbed a zuchini, too. The pole beans are going to have to come from seed, I think. Even with what I've decided on so far, there are several buckets un-occupied. We'll see what strikes my fancy later on for those.

I had intended to spread a few bags of mulch at this point, but I just ran out of energy. It was a good place to stop, so I did... and went inside for a two hour nap. ;~D

Stay tuned for the next episode...

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One good thing about pole beans is that they grow fast enough that you can plant them at the end of May and you'll be picking beans by the middle of August. I've been planting pole beans for several years now, they're easier to pick with my bad back than the bush type beans. The bush beans give you beans sooner, but don't produce for as long as pole beans.
I'm enjoying following this story. :-)

Good point! I have limited sun in the yard, so going up is a plus. Saving any wear and tear on the back is always a welcome aspect. I'm just hoping my cages will be tall enough. I may be looking for advice if I need to go higher.

Glad you're along for the saga!

I got tired just reading and seeing it!!! lol.

Lol! I guess that's means my descriptions are working... ;~D

Naps are good, and this is really taking shape big time, I have actually been watching and waiting for all the updates now, this is a nice series Eddie.

Naps rock and, boy, did I need that one! This series has actually kept me chuggin' along, too. Every day I'm plotting what's going to be next. I don't know that I'd have gotten this far without 'reporting in' my progress to y'all. It makes it lots more fun. Lots more to come...

I love what you are doing.

Hey Eddie, I was on my daily limp today and went in a new direction and found a plate on a car that said PET HELPR on it and boom, there ya go


Thanks! Cool beans on the car plate!

I am hoping to take something with me to get an actual picture to show you but stuff was broken when the car ran me over and I like to get out with no tech on me.

You might like my offgrid post I put up today!

I'm with you on the no tech when I'm out. I have to carry my cell phone for work, but all my clients know to leave a message if I don't answer right away - usually because I'm driving. Wish I didn't have to tote the thing at all.

Thanks for the heads up - will check it out!

It's looking good. You'll have a nice container garden when you're through. Poor puppy didn't get to wallow in the mud! Bet Tinker would have had a blast. At least you didn't have muddy paw prints in the house though.

Thanks! I'm looking forward to growing stuff again. It's been a few years.

Tinker was sooooo antsy to be out with me, but it was a little too muddy. She'll get to help with the next batch of mulch, if she wants. Much less messy and smells better, too. Lol!

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