Ragtag Garden, Part 32

in #gardening7 years ago

Yesterday I was tickled to grab another ripe tomato and do a second picking of pole beans.

I ended up with a generous fistful of beans and a picture perfect Roma tomato. The quarter in the middle is just to give some scale. Those beans are amazingly long! I'm expecting the weather to hold long enough for a third round in about a week.

That was the good news...

...the bad news is the zucchini plants are history. I suspect the culprit was powdery mildew, but I'm not sure. I'd been using Diatomaceous Earth in the vicinity, so I probably mis-judged what was actually going on. The last month or so has been very humid and not much in the way of breezes to let things dry out some. The zuke's leaves were certainly vulnerable. I'll be more vigilant next time around!

The tomato plant, thankfully, is still very happy as evidenced by the the third tomato starting to ripen. There are at least a half dozen more just waiting their turn. This plant has done so well, I think I might try to save some seeds. This one was a seedling when I got it and there's no guarantee the nursery will have this variety next year. I've never tried to save seeds before. Hopefully, tomato seeds aren't too difficult.

The pepper plant is doing well enough that it's produced two more peppers. One was basically hiding in the pole bean leaves. I only noticed it when I was searching for beans! There's also a little one at the very end of the one of branches.

As I mentioned earlier, I think I'll get a third round of beans out of that wall. You can see some nearing picking size scattered among the leaves. I'm still getting new leaves and vines growing down low on the plants. I've continued to pick off the leaves when they get totally yellow. I have no idea if it's helping, but it doesn't seem be be hurting, so I'll continue to do so.

The cabbage is still plugging along, despite being chewed on. Maybe the upcoming cooler weather will be more to its taste.

The brussels sprouts are valiantly trying to gain height. I'm hoping to get a few transferred over to the pea buckets this weekend. Fingers crossed... I have the weekend off. I can get as dirty as I want without having to worry about going out in public. Ha!

Stay Tuned For The Next Installment - Coming Soon!


It started here - Reclaiming The Backyard Firepit.
Which turned into this - Ragtag Garden.

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We live and learn, next year will be bigger ad better for both of us :)

Sneaky peppers, hiding in the bean plants. :-)
It looks like your beans are still doing well. They'll probably keep going until the frost gets them, pole beans are like that.

I did a classic 'double-take'. Was so funny... I was like - Well, damn, when did you show up?

Ooooh, I hope you're right on the beans. They've been one of my best surprises this season, so the longer the better!

My past experience with pole beans has been that way, so yours should keep growing. They slow down as the weather gets cooler, but they usually don't die until the frost gets them.

aunt-deb you are having the best luck with your garden lately. You just keep harvesting. What started out as a little experiment turned into a real treat. Your friend . 🐓🐓

Awww, thank you! I had very little hope for success knowing how spent the buckets were, but they all surprised me at one point or another. The best part has been growing friendships with so many gardeners of all stripes along the way. I haven't had this much fun in years! ;~D

wow. this post its cool!! great photography in your post my friend😍 my upvoted and followed❤

OMGoodness! All containers, pots and buckets!
You are a gardening guru!
I have been wanting to attempt to grow many vegetables in containers like this because I am limited on space for a 'true blue' garden plot.
I mean, I have peppers in a few pots and buckets, but cabbage? I am impressed. thank you for sharing!

Lol at the cabbage! Those were actually a mistake. Though I had gotten brussels sprouts, but being in a hurry had me mis-reading the tag. One suggestion if you do try them... one plant per bucket. These are severely over-crowded.

I'll bet you could get a good harvest from a small space. Folks have had good luck finding free or cheap buckets from ice cream shops and bakeries, so that might be a good start! Most important thing is to have fun!

Sometimes a little mistake can be a good thing, right?
I had read somewhere that cabbage would be best in a 5-gallon bucket.

I have a good word in with the bakery dept people at the local grocery store, and I live in the heart of apple country Michigan- tons of bakery, doughnuts and cider places here. I'll have to spread more of my good word and smiles lol

There ya go! I'll bet you get a few others trying their hand at it, too. It's a hard project to resist once they start thinking about the possibilities. With your smile thrown in, they'll be hooked in no time!

Free buckets are always good for planting!
I scrounge whatever buckets I can get for planting, but this year a lot of the buckets got used for other stuff.

Its great that you harvest your own food! Totally organic food is the greatest! Keep up the good work!

It sure tastes better than the grocery store versions, which is the best incentive to keep going. Thanks!

How is the heat on the peppers??

Sweet banana peppers, so very mild. I think hubby is planning a stir-fry concoction for the next ones.

Those really are some picture perfect veggies! That first picture looks like something from a magazine. I hope the brussels sprouts sprout! That'll be some neat pictures.

Thank you! Those pics did come out well. With my ancient camera it can be hit or miss... Lol!

Ditto on the sprouts! I'm not giving up even if means building a temporary cold frame or somesuch. Fresh sprouts are worth an extra effort. ;~P

Love to see organic vegetables. Eating them is like buying free health,

Hadn't thought of it that way, but you're right!

Your tomatoes look awesome! Ours were taken out by blight early this year. It's been a strange summer here in Ohio, too wet and cold for the tomatoes. :(

Thanks! They got off to a very slow start & I was wondering, at one point, whether it was going to produce. Once it got going, though, it's been strong ever since. That's why the seeds might be a good idea...

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