I'm Not Going To Scarborough Fair

in #gardening7 years ago

I might not be going to Scarborough Fair but my parsley...

And thyme...
Are looking quite dandy!

I have planted about 10 of each of these herbs plus a mint garden, chives, scented pelargonium and basil collection, lemongrass, and even more stevia and cilantro amongst my vegetables for companion planting.

I am forever grateful for the gifts of the soil and this universe rewards us with for our hard work.

I wouldn't trade my little patch of dirt for the world!

How is your garden doing today?


My chocolate mint and imported Italian basil are doing great. The tie-dye tomatoes are none too happy though. I've been stressing my garden out this year...trying to get them used to the drought conditions we have here on the island.

Wouldn't give up my patch of clay and dirt for the world either...and the city hasn't bothered me for using their boulevard...yet. };-)>

I grow chocolate mint as well as a variety of basils! I feel you about the tomato situ. They haven't been as good as other years for me but regardless I am still happy as it is better than having to go to the market :)
Cheers to growing goodies everywhere!

I'm just hoping I'll get a few tomatoes so I can harvest some seeds for next year. I picked them up locally after researching them. They're out of Oregon and quite famous for their flavour...been winning contests for the past couple years.

I have another tomato plant, that volunteered to grow on the city's boulevard that is doing very well...also another in a partial shady area that'll likely provide an October yield.

My peach tree seedlings already need transplanting to larger pots but I don't expect to enjoy their fruit for 4-5 years. I really should check my worm bins but they're so low maintenance I hardly think of them except to toss in the remains from the juicer every week or so.

Do you have red wigglers? If you don't you really should look into them. So many benefits. ;)

I do have red wigglers in my compost bins! Great little guys! That's how I got this clay ok enough to grow anything haha Peaches don't do well here. :(

Why am I not surprised. ;)

Yeah it's pretty hit 'n miss here too. Just doesn't get cold enough long enough here during the dormant season.

It's just that these were soooOOOooo good I just had to try!

Sounds like it! I had to cut down my peach, apricot and my beloved quince not too long ago. They were sickly and what little they produced was very bad and bugs were beating me to it all.

Ohhh noooOOOooo...not the quince!

A short story on that.

Free fruit trees. Standing cured. Bring chainsaw.

Almost as short and sad as Ernest Hemingway's shortest story.

For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn. :(

I'm a Hemingway freak lol I thought of that when I read your quince line 🌱

You have an amazing herb garden @artedellavita! I just love caressing them to release the beautiful smell!

Thank you! I love infusing them in water as well, geez it's like drinking a slice of heaven :)
Lovely day to you!

Your herbs are doing great. My garden is surviving the heat.

Yes it definitely has been a little too warm for some plants.

WOW that's great! The herb garden is growing in nicely. I love it.

Thank you! Can you please send me the profile name to your hydro page? I know I added it but it hasn't shown in my feed, thank you!

@steempowergarden - I am working on my next post for that tomorrow.

Good, I just checked and I am following it but it gets lost in the steemit ocean lol. Gotta catch up 🌸

That song must run through your head every time you walk trough your garden!

It pretty much does! Haha I'm a folky/shanty kinda gal 🌱

I've just built a new herb bed with all these herbs in - except lemongrass (not sure if that will grow in the UK).

I've even just got a stevia plant that I have never grown before. Are they easy to grow?

Ooh that sounds wonderful! Stevia is easy to grow and spreads and multiplies rapidly if it's watered constantly. Mine is growing in a shaded area and it loves it, as do my hens ☺️🌱

Try lemon balm...much easier to grow. Their culinary uses are interchangeable. };-)>

Not just a beautiful song, but when boiled with chicken, it is the recipe for chicken noodle soup. Remember me to one who lived there, she once was a true love of mine.

Ha! True!
Love, love, love that canticle 🎶

Great post! Love the analogy.....

Aww thank you! I appreciate you stopping by!

Beautiful pictures as always! I find rosemary and sage easy to grow, but parsley not so much so I moved it to a sunnier spot and it's doing better now. Thanks for sharing! Have a Beautiful Thyme in your garden! :)

Thank you! Parsley seems to grow well in tough soil with time in between waterings it seems. The flat leaf variety such as this one doesn't bolt as quickly as the curly leaf one :)

Ok Thanks, I must be overwatering parsley.

Mine is doing great! But yours looks better! 😜😜

Buy you grow beautiful flowers my fairy friend! :)

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