Growing Herbs

in #gardening6 years ago

I love growing and using the herbs in my garden! I usually harvest and dry my perennial herbs in late spring before they flower. Here is culinary sage in bud.


This is oregano on the left, and Good King Henry, sometimes called perennial spinach, on the right.


This is Lovage. Not as common as it once was, Lovage tastes like a strong celery. It grows up to 6 ft. tall and all parts are edible. It is a good seasoning for soups and stew.


I'm sure you'll recognize Chives in bloom.


This is the, ever so fragrant, Thyme!


Here is a flat leafed parsley in its second year. A biennial, soon it will bloom and set seeds.


And finally, a borage seedling. I like to grow borage because it attracts pollinators, but I have not found a use for it in the kitchen. The flowers are pretty, and edible. Some people freeze them in ice cubes for their summer drinks, but I'm not that fancy! Do you know of a culinary use for borage?


Thank you for visiting 🌻


Very interesting info about the herbs. I try, but some of my herbs just don't do that well. I just looked at my purple sage today and it's dying. I'm thinking something is eating it's roots or I'm overwatering my herbs!

Overwatering can be a problem. Herbs in general, seem to prefer a dryer soil. I am bad at watering....I put it off as long as possible, always hoping for rain! It does force the plants roots to go deeper into the soil in search of water, so I think underwatering is not really a bad thing.

I'll have to try it! My sage plant definitely died! :(

Quite the amazing variety indeed, and very nice photos as well!!

Thank you! I appreciate you stopping by and commenting 🌻

Hello Friend how are you? your plants are very nice of them I know the thyme and I have never seen spring onion with flowers, you really learn a lot in your blog

Hello! I love the scent of all the different herbs. Sometimes I just go through the garden and sniff the plants! 🌸

What an amazing garden, I love spice and culinary plants, grow them at home in an apartment. My favorite is the smell of thyme.

Thank you! I really love the thyme too...and the lavender, and lemon balm, and ..... 😀

Herbs can be really pretty as well as great for cooking and home remedies. I hadn't seen lovage before, though I've heard the name. What sort of climate do you live in?

I am in Nova Scotia, zone 6. We're on the Fundy shore where the temps are a bit milder than other parts of the province, but we still get snowy winters and late summers...we even had a hard killing frost a few weeks ago! Our falls are long and warm as a rule. Thanks for commenting!

I had never seen the spring onions in bloom in my country I think I can not see them here often you see green chives and round white onions

Beautiful cultivate these species yesterday I did a course of cheeses and we made some flavored cheeses with oregano and good cultivated boil of a garden, they are very frequent

I really have no idea about the use of borage. It's the first time I've heard it. I have to find out what this is used for.

I hope you are a good friend that you have a happy start to the week

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