Garden update: it’s a jungle out there!

in #gardening6 years ago

We did get a little hail last week but most of the storm missed us. I have not seen any posts from@llfarms. I hope they faired the storm ok. Our garden has taken off with this current hot streak. We kind of needed to dry out with all the cool weather and rain we have had.
To be honest I’m hoping it will cool down again soon.
In the Garden everything is doing awsome!
The Lufa gourds
Here is the garlic. I just cut the scapes last week. Probably about 2 weeks to harvest time.
You can also see the pappa’s Blue corn In the background.
Here is the onions and the dill. Note the purse lane growin in the rows. I pull and hoe it for control but we want some growing to eat and for ground cover.
The Detroit beets and the Peas are also doing quite well. The peas seem to be handling the heat well. The beet leaves have a little damage from the hail but it hasn’t affected their growth at all. I am surprised the peas are doing so well in this heat.
And here is the melons.
Looks like a pretty good apple crop this year too.
Can’t forget to stop and smell the roses!
The pumpkins are doing fabulous. The sweet black corn is doing great. The Hubert’s sweet corn is coming along but I am not sure if it will recover in time to produce a crop. Luckily we have good access to local grown sweet corn for freezing.
Last shot of the day is my wild flower bed. It is populated with milk weed, poppies, and Queen Anne’s lace. This is where I was going to grow the giant pumpkins this year but we just ran out of time.


Your garden looks great. Keep up the good work

Thanks it is progressing nicely.

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