
Your plum trees look beautiful!!! And that sage? Awesome!!!
Great update and tour!

Thank you! :-)

I see that the garden path is still holding firmly to the area it rested from the control of the raised bed. However, the raised bed appears to have claimed a much larger area, ignoring the path and its tiny gains.

I believe you have a good understanding of the tactical situation. :-)

You have such nice looking land and garden space. Being in the city makes me envy the space to have a garden. It looks like you're doing wonderfully. Stopping by from helpie to say hello to all members. See you around. :)

Actually, the property is right in town. The lot is 60 feet by 120 feet. We just use at least half of it for garden space.

Oh okay! We have a community garden here as well. This year I didn't get a plot. It's a lottery. So I'm square foot planing on my porch. I look forward to your updates!

Container gardening works pretty well in small spaces. :-)

Blueberry bushes?!?! Yum!

The photos look great. I'm crazy jealous of this totally dope garden space. Please keep us updated so this NYC rat can get a green fix :)

Thank you! :-)

I would love so much to have my own patch. My sage in the pot has frown huge and bloomed too. I love sage tea. In my inlaws there is a plum tree, so I could picture the buzz of the hardworking bees. Love that buzz

When you hear the buzz, you know the bees are hard at work! I love the big fuzzy bumblebees, they're so gentle, they just go about their business, and they're fun to watch.

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