
Looking very good! I'm jealous. I wish I had a greenhouse. I have to grow everything under lights in the basement or outside when the weather cooperates. Your maters' are looking better than mine for sure. I started them too late this year and started my peppers too soon. Last year was the opposite. lol. Oh well, I'm sure they will do fine.

It's interesting that the tomato plants seem to do well no matter when you start them, as long as they don't get too spindly before you get them outside in the garden. I think the little ones catch up to the big ones because they don't get as much transplant shock. At least, that seems to be the way it works for me, anyway.

Things are looking good. I was hoping to get some work done in the garden today, but it rained all day.

We had rain yesterday, but we need it, it's been dry here lately.

I love the pictures. I noticed the floor seems to be pea gravel with tiles layed on top? How well does that work? Does it provide good drainage. I am asking because currently my greenhouse is just dirt.

Thank you!
Yes, it's concrete pavers laid on top of a layer of pea gravel. It seems to work pretty well for me, it's stable and I haven't had any drainage problems. To prepare the floor, I dug out the topsoil and laid road gravel in it's place, and then a layer of pea gravel on top of the road gravel. It was a lot of work to do by hand, but the results are worth it.

All that new growth looks awesome. Thanks for sharing these updates :)

Thanks, mang!

That's awesome, my tomatoes are still little babies but I know they'll take off before too long. Nice watering set up, I tried last year to do something similar with a soaker hose, but I way over crowded and it didn't work super well. Not sure what I'll do yet this year...
Thank you for garden stuffs. I love it. ♡

Thank you!
I bought these tomato plants instead of starting them. The plants were about 3 inches high when I bought them, they've grown a lot. I started some Black Krim tomato plants to put outside at the end of May, they just came up a couple of days ago.
Watering the garden is always a work in progress for me, I try different things every year to see how well it works.

Its all a such a learning curve, new things pop every year!

Wow, everything looks great!

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