
Cool garden. Looking forward to seeing the babies progress and grow up to become food. :)

Hey @amberyooper, your Yarden looks beautiful! That hard work really paid off, because your plots are perfect.

Can't wait to see more about how this develops! I only recently started my own little patio yarden, as you've been seeing. It's making me feel very happy and balanced to go and play in the dirt and to hold the little plants as they're coming up.

I smiled to hear about your "impulse" buy of zucchini plants! That is very cool.

May that kind of impulse to buy become infectious and may the crops be blissful and so multiplied that we each find something beautiful to gift on to others. The best!!

August something is "sneak a zucchini onto your neighbor's porch day"! :)


Uhm, yusssssssssss.

Zukes are too big for me to grow on the balcony, so if you need a neighbor, I'm off Colorado Blvd. 😂😂

The 'ol slip me the zucch tactic, eh?

Well, in only the veggie gift-giving kinda way, I'm so down with that...

But I'm not sure I have enough depth on my patio-balc-yarden for zucch...

I'm testing, though! Will keep you informed!! If I get some action out of my dirt, I'll be sure to save you something. You're close, no?

I think so, I'm near Rose hospital

Ahhh cool cool. I'm slightly S of Lakewood.

Theoretically, you're supposed to pick them before they get big... :-)

I've only heard that for the first time this year. 😂 I'm used to ginormous zukes the size of a newborn from my friend's mom's garden.

I so wish I could have a little land to do a small orchard... :) But I do really enjoy others planting things... growing your own food, never tastier

I sure is a lot of work. I think that's where new gardeners get discouraged. It really is a labor of love. I couldn't imagine putting in the effort to garden if I didn't absolutely love every bit of it. I can't wait to see everyone's progress come mid August. That's my favorite time of year!

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