Bringing Global Gayo Coffee! 2020 Gayo Peoples Coffee Result 4 Ton per hectare!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #gardening7 years ago

2020 Gayo Peoples Coffee Result 4 Ton per hectare
The low production of gayo arabica coffee is fully managed by Gayo coffee farmers, making a Bener Meriah citizen sad. With a production of about 750 kg / hectare / year, this result is considered a moderately berpostur man is not enough.

No one if called a tough Gayo woman, just look Inen Jumadi Paya Serngi residents were able to do the job in the garden to cut grass with a machine in October 2010 then. Whereas this work is usually done by men.

The husband, Hasanuddin, was not lazy, but also worked all day at the Ruhama Takengen Mosque as the largest security unit (Satpam) of the mosque in the cold city.
Hasanuddin several times urged that the wife to move domicile in the guard housing dikomplek Masjid. But Inen Jumadil did not want to leave his farming business near his home.

"Actually I like to live in the mosque complex and there is a business opportunity to trade, but I prefer to farm, because there is no burden of thinking though the results are not how, but rather help cover the needs of families,

Yet according to its potential can reach 4 tons. Well, then what is the solution of the man I know through facebook this ?.
His name is Win Najmi, energetic and laughing. If he was in India, he must have been Indian. Her skin is dark and likes to wear a white shirt. Brewokan adds a frightening impression when not laughing.

Despite knowing dif b long time ago, I ngak 'ngeh' when he came to the table where I prepare coffee. One day in the afternoon, Win Najmi wore a pns attire. Well you know, it turns out this man who is very expert coffee is working for the local government in counseling.
After shaking hands and start chatting about Gayo coffee, Win Najmi looks passionate and starts to explain about the coffee from A-Z. It is said, Gayo coffee production in Bener Meriah is still low. That is 750 kilograms from the area of ​​one hectare.

In fact, with the power of name and quality of Gayo coffee that has been worldwide, this potential can still be raised up to 4 tons. Gayo coffee is the best organic coffee in regional and even international level.
Explicitly, Win Najmi describes the issue of Gayo coffee which is currently the main obstacle after a hundred years cultivated after the Dutch Colonial is.
The low understanding and awareness and mastery of organic coffee farming technology at the level of farmers, business actors.
In addition, the lack of local government's understanding of the organic coffee coffee agribusiness, while the central government program in 2014 Indonesia's agricultural production is organic. The lack of technology mastery Organic coffee cultivation according to the standard that the market wants by extension workers.

Low mastery of post-harvest technology (processing) in accordance with market demand by business actors. Minimally post-harvest pasilitas at farmers and business actors at village level (village processing).

Gayo coffee which is obviously the biggest producer of Local Original Income (PAD), but the handling is still a bit of half-hearted alias. This is indicated by the support and support of small industries of processed coffee.

The low coaching of the Cooperative which is a container of organic coffee farmers. The low role of extension support the cultivation of organic gayo coffee, the low support of local government to organic coffee gayo agribusiness.

The low level of cooperation between farmers and entrepreneurs of organic gayo coffee with related institutions and local government. And there is no regulation and local government policy that supports organic coffee agribusiness.

In fact, added Win Najmi assume, with a land area of ​​45 thousand hectares alone, multiplied by the current production, which is 750 kg multiplied the price of Rp.35 thousand only, the people and the government get money per year Rp.1.149 trillion.

For the local government, if the perkilonya levy a coffee levy of Rp, 400, -, will earn money a year Rp.Rp.13 billion more. Farmers and cooperatives will also get additional money from premium fee fair-trade organic Rp. 1.6 billion more.

Well if the coffee farmer Bener Meriah able to produce 4 tons per hectare / year, the value of money to be obtained is Rp.6, 3 trillion.Rp.887 billion premium organic fair-trade fee. Taxes from coffee levy that dimabil Pemda reach Rp.72 billion.

Win Najmi believes the 4 tonne per hectare can be obtained to see the potential and fertility of the plantation land in the Gayo Highlands. The strategy is to hold a workshop on organic coffee gayo agribusiness by inviting farmers, business actors with related parties and local government.

Training of Extensionists on organic coffee cultivation technology, training and farmer's assistance on organic coffee technology by extension workers. Creating demonstration plots, demfarm, demarea about organic coffee cultivation technology.

All related parties conduct guidance and support in accordance with their respective duties and functions as well as local governments make regulations to support all these processes.

The key to the success of the increased revenue of the local government and the Gayo farmers, said Win Najmi is the formation of joint awareness, local government, DPRK and coffee farmers, cooperatives and business actors of strategic value of coffee.

This mutual understanding that has not yet occurred and is still difficult to do due to the low understanding and human resources of various parties involved as coffee stakeholders.

Win Najmi termed low awareness of the value of Gayo Arabica coffee in the world market by Gayo coffee stakeholders as "Oon" (Bloon-Red) people. Even so Win Najmi has started advocating for decision makers such as Pemda and some local DPRK members increased production of Gayo arabica coffee.


About coffee, we can not play games. Must be with all effort and involve all parties. If not, very unfortunate. People who do not understand this coffee, but become stakeholders must be removed to be replaced by young people and understand coffee as an extraordinary people's economic power, "added Win Najmi furious.

To the Head of Bener Meriah Region known as Jargon R1 and R2, designation for Ruslan Abdulgani and Rusli M Saleh, Win Najmi has submitted this concept and strategy. Win Najmi hopes the regional leaders begin to discuss and implement this.

Because Win Najmi is convinced that if all parties, including R1 and R2 support this, then R3 or Ertiga is obtained which means welfare because coffee farmers have been able to buy four-wheel vehicles.

Lifting the Fate of Coffee Farmers

Sadarsah's success in establishing coffee business through CV Arvis Sanada can not be separated from his success in establishing partnership with coffee farmers. Thanks to flexibility, Sadarsah has now partnered with 7,000 coffee farmers spread across Southeast Aceh, and Lintong, North Sumatra, from coffee farmers that Sadarsah gets coffee supplies and successfully export them to various countries. His skill at socializing can not be separated from his great past from coffee farming families.
To gain farmers' confidence, Sadarsah invites coffee farmers to establish cooperatives. In 2006 stood coffee cooperative cooperative named KSU Arinagata with 335 members of farmers. KSU Arinagata manages coffee area of ​​2,700 hectares (ha) spread in Southeast Aceh and Bener Meriah (Takengon). Cooperative members who routinely supply Gayo coffee to Sadarsah.

This partnership between Sadarsah and farmers is what makes Sadarsah get a supply of 5,400 tons of coffee per year. That coffee he bought Rp 65,000 per kg and sold at Rp 70,000 per kg until the price of Rp 75.000 per kg.
Brand Dispute

Sadarsah success with CV Arvis Sanada exporting Gayo coffee to various countries is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. Various obstacles must be passed to be able to peddle Andalas ground coffee abroad. One of the problems Sadarsah faced was an objection to the Gayo brand that was posted by Dutch coffee company Holland Coffee in 2008. The company claims, Sadarsah has copied their production coffee brand.

Holland Coffee openly forbade Sadarsah to use katagayo in his coffee brand, Gayo Arabica Sumatran. Moreover, Sadarsah's coffee is also widely circulated in the Netherlands. The company said the Gayo brand on their coffee was already registered under the brand law in the Netherlands. Therefore, the use of the word gayo by Sadarsah considered to violate the rules of the brand in the Netherlands.
But Sadarsah as an Indonesian citizen says that he is more entitled to use the word gayo than the Dutch people who use the word. Moreover, the word gayo is the name of the region in Indonesia is not a regional name in the Netherlands ..

To maintain the Gayay brand Sadarsah filed a certificate of coffee origin. Only in May 2010 he managed to pocket the certificate of IG (geothermal indication) from International Fair Trade Organization (IFTO). The certificate states that Sadarsah is entitled to use Gayo word on her own coffee product from Gayo. Thanks to that IG certificate Sadarsah be confident to introduce Gayo coffee throughout the world. October 2010 he brought gayo coffee in a special Auction Coffee Indonesia in Bali. "Gayo Sumatran Sumatran Coffee earned the highest score on cupping score," he said.

Apparently there is a wisdom behind the "Gayo" brand dispute between Holland Coffee and Sadarsah. With that incident stabilize the position of Gayo coffee as the world's best organic coffee. "There used to be many who did not know Gayo coffee, after the brand dispute, Gayay coffee became famous,"


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good one @alfa-good great you shared this... thanks for sharing

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