
Awesome post. i love kimchi...especially the cucumber kind. Korean food and culture are a favorite of mine.

The cucumber stuff is great. It's a popular summer kimchi.

I made it last year:

I'm gonna try your recipe. I have made this a few times myself and i do it very similar. My business partner is Korean and several friends are Korean as well so i get a good dose of Korean food around here. We have about 6 restaurants in the city i live in but only one of them is superb. I could eat Korean food at least 3-4 days a week for sure. I support a few Korean related blogs here, glad i found yours.

Interesting that you have also made it before. If you try mine, I recommend slicing it sobagi style (stuffed by leaving the ends on).

It's nice that you have some good Korean restaurants in your area. I bet they are a little more expensive than here, but the same goes for good American food in Korea.

I follow and support quite a few of the Korean blogs on Steem that regularly post in 'Korea'. There are less than there used to be, but I imagine they will come back.

One of the things I like about the Korean '-kr' community is most of them have invested $$$ in Steem and don't just beg or scheme. They may stick together and do their own thing more than some people would like, but I expect eventually they will start some very successful SMTs and Tribes.

Koreans stick together on most things in life in my experience. The resturants here are around 18.00 for a dinner sized bulgogi with ab out 8-10 side dishes. Galbi is around 25. There are no buffets here, might be one or two in Denver. I have tried several in LA Korea Town...there were super Legit!

I've been to some Korean restaurants in Toronto, Canada. They are also very good. The prices are better in America than Canada, but more than Korea.

Glad you have good Korean food there.

Thanks for sharing!


Ha... in Italy they have the sauce making day... in Korea they have the Kimchi making day!!!... is it a big family event, or just a single person job?

Usually it is a big family event. Similar to sauce making day or pickling day in other countries. We have a kimchi tub which looks like a kiddy pool and is about 1.5 methers in diameter to mix things up in. Usually around 4 to 6 people join. No work, no kimchi.

You have A LOT of cabbages!!! Your radish I can imagine is bigger than my head! Hahaha

I'm not sure I have enough cabbages frankly. A lot of those pictured are my neighbors.

I hope my radishes grow bigger and bigger. I'll wait a few more weeks.

Wow, still growing!! That's fantastic!

Yeah, we can grow until late November in most of South Korea.

Your cabbage looks fantastic! I bet that's a fun day to spend with family making kimchi. I would like to add that to my list of things to try to make. I've done plenty of sauerkraut with regular green and red cabbage now, but the napa would be fun to work with next. I've had a daikon radish as big as my forearm from the market, so I can't wait to see yours! Those are fun to work with in different recipes, too. It's raining today, so not sure if I'll get any photos to do my garden post this month or not. We don't have a whole lot going on anyway, but at least we did pull up some turmeric this week so better than nothing. :)

Kimchi isn't hard to make. If you can get decent napa cabbage and red pepper paste (most asian supermarkets or Amazon has that), the rest is easy. I'll post my 2019 recipe in a few weeks.

I never tried growing tumeric. I wonder if it works here. I plan on doing more seeds and experimenting kext season, so we will see.

The Korean daikon is not as long, but it is fatter than the Japanese variety.

Cool, I'll keep an eye out for your version. I would imagine the turmeric might do well since you seem to be able to grow a lot of the same things as we do here. It's pretty easy in that if you get some of the fresh root you can break it up a bit to replant and it grows straight from there, so you don't need to save seeds or anything. I'll have to try ginger, as well, to see how that does. Always fun to try out some new things and see what works.

I'm not sure how ginger works, but I imagine it is the same. I've never seen fresh tumeric here, maybe I'll have to order it from the Asia Mart.
I can't grow garlic or onions because they grow over winter and I don't own my land so during the winter, I have no control over what goes on there.

Ahh, makes sense. We haven't tried onions and garlic yet, either. I think the turmeric is supposed to be put in the ground early spring? I'll have to look it up again, but I believe that's what my boyfriend said. Apparently it will just stay dormant over winter even if you do leave it in the ground during the cold weather.

That makes sense. The ground here doesn't really freeze during winter. Maybe the first 1cm or something.

That's a great looking garden! I wouldn't worry too much about the use of pesticides; besides, if your neighbours are using them, it's on your produce as well. Good luck!

The issue I have with pesticides is not a concern for my health, they are safe for humans if used in proper quantities and food is washed and prepared properly. I ise less because I know my neighbors use it too.

Modern pesticides are applied like vaccines, heard immunity. The idea isn't to make your crop toxic, it is to get the pests down to a level where organic and non chemical solutions can handle things.

The concern is for the ecosystem. It may harm other animals like frogs and birds. Also, even if it doesn't kill them or adversely affect them, it definitely kills the insects, their food supply.

That looks great, @abitcoinskeptic. I love your creativity with those peppers! Can't wait to hear how that liquor turned out :0)

Those Korean radishes look awesome. I did hear of daikon before, just didn't realize they grew that big. Maybe worth checking out if I can grow them here.

Thanks for joining!

Always a pleasure and thanks.

They grow in lower temperatures. I've seen youtube videos of people growing them in Canada, UK, US, and Germany. You may have to start them earlier where you are, but as long as there isn't severe frost they should do fine. Also if the weather goes bad, you can always pull them out earlier.

Great garden!) So well maintained !!

Thanks. It always looks nice in spring and fall, but summer looks like a mess.

Wow, I can't wait to see your Kimchi making post. I have made it one time with my daughter and it was fun. At the time I didn't eat it but she loved it. Your produce looks amazing, so healthy and huge! lol Lovely garden @abitcoinskeptic

I'll be posting it late November. I'm looking forward to it, but it's not easy when you are making as much as we plan on making.

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