Garden Update ~ More Harvesting

in #garden6 years ago


Hey all!
Man this time of year is so busy! Barely time to think let alone blog! LoL

But I'm here now and I want to show you the beauties we have hauled out of the garden lately!!

First up, the zucchini! We have a frost warning for tonight so we were forced to pull much of the garden yesterday. I was hoping we would have a bit more time but you don't always get what you want I suppose! LoL


So many!!!!


Next up; spaghetti squash! Again because of the frost we thought it would be best to just pull all these so they don't get hit.
Here's a video of me snipping them off and rolling them out :)

I also picked what leek we had, this was a crop I really didn't think we would be able to harvest at all. They didn't sprout for at least three weeks after I planted them so I thought, no way was anything gonna happen! Then bam! There they were! No complaints here that's for sure and while they're puny, they'll make a lovely soup!

And a garden wouldn't be complete without carrots! Carrots are certain a staple for us, something we will never be without in our garden, and since we grew six different kinds this year we really got to know what we're looking for in the perfect carrot. We just picked a few yesterday as the fridge is getting quite full and the ground is a perfect place for them to stay until we're ready for them.



These two are quite the pair!


I can't believe summer is basically over already! Breaks my heart! My kids are great at lifting my spirits though, they're beyond excited for Halloween and they keep asking me when it's going to snow! I'm like, ah, hopefully not for a LONG LONG TIME. LoL

Anyway, I'll be heading out east next week so I'll get to show you all a different view then!

Take care!
~The NeoHippy



Love your garden. I had a similar garden this year and filled my freezer with huge zucchinis

Thank you!!! Did you shred it? I think I might spiralize a bunch and freeze it like that! :)

I cut them into slices so they can fry easy and I shredded some to make it easy to bake with them.

Nice! I'll have to do some like that too :)

What a great harvest! Plenty of squash! Those will fill your bellies all through the winter. Awesome carrots! How did your corn do? I can imagine that yummy tasting leek soup already! I am with you on how quickly it seems fall is wanting to press in. Hopefully we will have a few nice weeks in September still. I am hopeful! Much Love to you and yours @theneohippy

Thanks!!! Our corn is still not ripe, I'm starting to worry! Hopefully it survives tonight's frost ok and can get enough time!

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