First zucchini of the year :) Plus some beautiful zucchini flowers .. what should I make?

in #garden7 years ago


Finally, my first zucchini of the year :) We have a shortage of bees this year in California .. I am guessing it is because the government sprayed for mosquito's a couple months back and killed all of the insects!! I have only seen a handful of bees in our yard and not as many monarchs this year .. very very sad and very very disturbing!!!

What shall I do with this beauty? It is actually bigger than it looks in the photo - lol!

Have a GREAT week Friends .. SUNSHINE247


Pickle Riiiick!
Pickle Rick
Couldn't resist :p

Too funny !!! Do you think one pickle would fee the entire family .. one tiny slice for you and one tiny slice for me .. Have a GREAT day!!! SUNSHINE247

Hey, it's the intergalactic Rick we're talking about here. He'll find a way :)
But no, an ordinary pickle, surely not :p

You made me smile - thank you Friend .. SUNSHINE247

No problem :)
Glad I did ;)

As there is a lack of bees to pollinate the flowers, they can be pollinated with a soft brush, just pass the brush on as many flowers as possible and re-use the brush on the same flowers again. If you only have one plant I think it is not possible to pollinate with pollen from the same plant

Super advise - I have 2 plants :) I am going to give this a try!!! My flowers keep dying off and not producing :( Thank you friend .. SUNSHINE247

You are welcome, I was glad to help. :)
Then tell us if it turned out, please.

I sure will :)

Yum, I love zucchini! I just bought some organic zucchini at the store last week and cooked it with an onion and garlic powder and olive oil. The regular zucchini in my local store looked pitiful! Thankfully they don't spray for mosquitoes in my suburb of Dallas, but they spray in a bunch of other ones. I think it is terrible because I know it kills the beneficial insects, bees and butterflies! We just need more bat houses and more bats to eat the mosquitoes! I know that's easier said than done. Most people want a quick fix!

This one zucchini is going to feed two of us tonight - onions and garlic powder sounds like a simple and scrumptious idea .. thanks for recommending :) Bat houses would be good - some crazy reason I have never seen a bat at my house and I have lived her 29 years? My daughter however lives about 15 miles away and gets bats flying thru her yard every night .. hmmmmmm. I love when you visit me .. Thanks Friend .. SUNSHINE247

Hi Friend - so I decided to go ahead and make some homemade veggie patties tonight with that 1 zucchini :) Once I shredded it, it was the perfect amount .. they turned out really yummy. Since I had never made them before, I was afraid to post thinking it may be disgusting, thought I better try them first .. they were actually really good .. could have been just a bit more solid (a little mushy than I would have liked), but flavor was awesome!!!!!

Love your zucchini, this is something I am very bad at. I can not get anything growing. It is sad because I really love to grow my own veggies.

You need to try it again - its very therapeutic :) Even if you are not a master gardener (which I for sure am not) its fun to be out in the sunshine and to see the life that exists in a garden :) Thank you for visiting tonight!! SUNSHINE247

Hey sunshine, well that just looks fantastic, no better feeling then growing your own food. btw just put out another cool post you might wana check out :) cheers

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