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in #garden7 years ago


Yep. That is what this is, it is RAIN Country. In a place where the average annual rain fall is 120" (with as much as 160"), rain is certainly something one has to learn to get used to.

When I moved from a place that had an annual average of 10" to the Seattle area that has an annual average of 50", I thought that was a lot of rain. O boy, was I wrong. I did not know what rain was until I moved here 29 years ago. It rains so much here that no one bothers with umbrellas. In fact, anyone seen carrying one might as well be carrying a neon sign saying "I DO NOT BELONG HERE". Yeah, I made that mistake when I first moved here from the big city with my bright yellow umbrella. Did not do that again!

Though it can be very wearisome at time, the pay off for so much rain is lush green year round here. Even when it is wet, it is beautiful.

I have learned to love it here and truly appreciate the rain...well, most of the time. The time I dislike it most is mid spring when it seems the rains will never stop and the pathways around the garden become a quagmire and you are sure you are going to lose your boot in it.

Now we are at a point in the season were we get some short reprieves from the rain with some wonderful, warm sun, and it is just enough to make the garden finally begin to take off after such a cold spring.


Even our young chickens do not seem to mind the rain as much as I thought they would. Looks like we got the right breed for our area!


Thanks for taking your time!


Email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RainCountryHomestead/
Hand Crafted Goods: https://www.facebook.com/heidiscrochetedart/


It's so gorgeous! I miss living there!

I always love how fresh everything looks and smells after the rain.

where is raincountry?? I live in Montana, we get about 10" a year if we're lucky on the eastern slopes. Although last week it rained for TWO WHOLE DAYS...everyone keeps talking about it, because nobody can remember the last time that happened. I like your posts Rain!

oh duh, PA! You told me on my blog =) Yeah it is super rainy, do you all have ticks down where you're at?

We are on the peninsula of Washington state. I can barely remember what it was like now living in a place that only got 10" a year! There are times I miss it, especially the sun, but when I do travel to Easter WA and see how dry and not green everything is, I appreciate the rain here even more. I mean, it does have its beauty there, with the Columbia river going right through my old town, but it is just not the same as here.

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