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RE: Take A tour Of The Walkerland Greenhouse

in #garden6 years ago

I planted dwarf nasturtiums all along our row of tomatoes and the kids are really excited at the idea of the flowers being edible (like they'll actually eat them, but who knows, they may surprise me). I didn't realize the leaves were edible, too!

It got hot so fast here, I completely missed the boat on planting spinach so I'm a bit jealous of your lovely kale which translates to nice green smoothies for me ;)

I've broached the idea of a greenhouse to the Husband but he wasn't favorable. People around here will grow plants outside in cold weather in low, glassed in boxes so maybe I can talk him into those instead. I'd love to get a head start on things like you did!


oh yes, the leaves are nice and peppery and I love them mixed with kale. It's a powerhouse of nutrition. We've had a few smoothies this week, it's so good to have some stuff to blend up again. It was such a loooong winter and I was so tired of the food in the pantry. I wish you lived closer so we could share.

there is some kale in the garden but it's seed kale from last year. It's chewed up and looks quite rough compared to the lovely stuff in the greenhouse. I am so thrilled by this little discovery. Hopefully the heart does not turn it bitter. The spinach that I started alongside this kale bolted ages ago so I know that one does not work. I'm going to make a shade hut to try and plant some spinach and other cooler weather plants ...just to see what happens.

I absolutely love the idea of the glass cold frames, they are so lovely. I had some not very pretty ones made from wood and plastic at our old house and they are very effective.

We just has to run around the garden wrapping everything in blankets and buckets and whatever else I can find. Frost? Seriously! I'll be anxious all night because that blast of heat really got things growing and there's a lot of stuff that can't handle frost above ground right now. Drought, heat waves and frost and June just started - this is going to be a very interesting year around here.

Omg just read this! Frost! Holy cow!! Wishing you the best!!!

It was registering zero degrees on the greenhouse thermometer at 5AM this morning (eek) but everything did just fine! So thrilled! :)

wow! it was chilly here too oddly enough- but likely in the 50s so nowhere near freezing. glad everything did okay on your end!!!

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