
Wow I'm jealous!
Qc city is so much better than Mtl... peace wise as well:P
hate the city vibe;)

Agree! Montreal was a cool experience and there is lots of opportunities but I just got exhausted from it.

Feels completely different here, especially when you're in old Quebec! Now I just need to improve my French and I'll be set 🙂

Awww no way same here!!!
Hence why I want to move to BC after uni.
I need to be surrounded by nature 24/7.
People are so different in Mtl than in the West:P
Have you ever encountered people who were rude at you bc you don't speak much french?
haha I'll teach ya!:P xox

What do you study at University Laval? Isn't it french btw?

I want to move to BC too, was thinking of moving at the end of the summer. Way warmer out there too :-)

Yeah you always get the rude people in Montreal every so often. If you speak French they make a big show of not understanding you, if you start the conversation in English with the same person they make a big deal about being offended 😂.

Funny thing is 90% of the time it is people at Tim Horton's or McDonalds who hate their job so I let them have their moment of feeling superior :-)

I have the same funny accent in French at Starbucks and not once has that happened.

I'm not studying here, though I try to improve my French. My friend was in the dorms so I decided to rent a room for the summer :-)

No way are you actually for real!?!
That is such an epic coincidence!!
If I had the money I'd be there in a split second:P
I'm lucky tho because my best friend has a place in Vancouver.
Have you ever been?
It's funny cuz I wanna move to Quesnel, which is also my last name;)

Omg you kill me there.
But man you are so right. 😂
But beware, there's some ppl with higher social '' status'' who are equally as rude, if not more ;)

Wow no ways that's awesome!
Did you finish school already?

Yeah went to Vancouver way back, funny thing is I wanted to move there even back then ... just never got around to it, then I discovered the crazy and fun province of Quebec :-)

Yeah I finished college in 2011, did some courses to "upgrade" to bachelors after working for a while. Two years or so since I last took a class, figure if I lose it all gambling on crypto I can always get a masters degree as a backup plan :-)

What are you studying?

Stopp it!!😚
That's dope man! I wouldn't move to the city of Vancouver precisely tho, cuz it's so expensive. I think that as of today, the average price of a home in Van is close to 1M$. Wow so does that mean you come from somewhere else?

That is awesome wow! Good for you!! 😍
Wow so are you a professional trader? I don't have enough crypto knowledge to start trading, but I've been getting some books recently to learn more:P Maybe you can teach me aha
Have you ever been to the coffee and steam meetups in Mtl?

Wouldn't say I'm a pro! Website developer and computer programmer for most of my career, just started trying to make it as a trader a month ago! Great so far, feels like a roller coaster.

Vancouver is expensive, might end up there eventually but Campbell River on Victoria Island is where I'm going first. Best friend from high-school has been living out there for years, keeps asking me to go.

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