Growing Things: Week of Wind

in #garden6 years ago

The effects this week from Gordon were felt. Thankfully it was not anything major and I was a decent distance away from it. Still, the rain bands and gusts of wind were noticed and took some tolls on the garden.



As mentioned last week I was looking to trade locally some of my extras. Before the winds were even felt it was time to remove over 10 jalapenos off this single plant. I ended up trading them for an IOU since most people in my area are having bigger issues then I am growing.

Overnight the plant went in full flower mode. Not even a day passed and it had a dozen or so flowers appear. I have learned my lesson to not let that many grow at once. Even if I have to pull some off way to early and small next time I will. I have a feeling it will overproduce yet again and take forever to grow.

You can see that really small baby Jalapeno is red! It has had a very stunted and slow life. I should have picked it as well but I left it on. Chances are it will be bad in the morning. I, however, had to get back indoors as more rain was coming forth.

Green Peppers


The bells can really be seen in this photo this time around. This is one growing towards the bottom and another towards the top. Thankfully this small cage I got around it was enough to protect things from the higher than normal winds we got during the week.
The planter I have it in for whatever reason cracked a bit this week. I just hope I do not end up with a giant mess on my hands! I can’t wait to see how big these get. They have grown so much in less than two weeks or so.

Red Peppers


Since most of these were red already I thought it best just to pull them. I did not want any chances of the wind coming in and making one a projectile. Not to mention causing any damage from the weight of the peppers swinging back and forth to the plant.

Out of all the plants, this one lost a few leaves from the storm. I really should have moved them more towards a better-covered area. I felt I might do more harm in trying to move things and sometimes I do get so busy I’ll forget for days. I did not want them sitting in darkness either for a while. So they dealt with the weather.

The two remaining peppers that I took where used one in a pizza and another in Hobo Hamburgers. While it would have been nice to grow the carrots and potatoes that went along with that last one. For now, that is a bit beyond what I have space for.

I always look at the shape of this poor plant as it has grown up along the metal pole I have used. I feel if I were to remove it the thing would just turn into a heap on the ground. Not really the full looking kind of thing I was hoping for. Perhaps with some time and a little help from me during the offseason it will grow a bit better next year.

Big Bertha


True to its name I was in shock walking out one morning and seeing that pepper just there looking right back at me. I’m just wondering how long before the plant cannot support the weight that thing is going be. At least the stems are much thicker than the other plants.

It has a bunch of what look to be dead flowers around it as well. I do not know yet if those are going spring life out of them or if they have just failed and I’ll have to wait for another cycle to get more than just this one.



Not much to report on this one this week. They are just getting bigger. I’ve been keeping a close eye on them to see if anything comes and tries to eat this batch. I would rather not lose another grouping of them!

I hope everyone growing has started to yield some amazing things! For me, it will be interesting to watch how late in the year I will keep getting anything decent enough to enjoy.


Photos were taken by @enjar using a Photosmart M627.


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