Growing Things: Rain, Rain, Go Away!

in #garden6 years ago

This week was mostly rain and clouds with more of that in the forecast. I might even end up taking them indoors over the weekend if the rain and wind start to pick even worse. Other than a very tiny trace of whitefly’s that I sprayed into oblivion not too much has been after any leaves of anything else.

Green Pepper


Since one of them kept trying to grow on the dirt. I assumed that might not be the best for it. With how moist it can get down there it could start to rot. Thankfully it has been resting rather well on the edge of the container. I am also interested to see how it reacts to the situation.

Is it going try and grow around it leaving me with some hardship one day in trying to remove it? Will it just use the container edge to prop itself up and keep growing normally? Am I going have some funny marks on the bottom of that green pepper? Only time will tell I just hope it does not rot.



These two are still growing to a decent size. One is even starting to redden slightly. Since I’ve yet to have any make it this far I have been waiting in anticipation to see exactly what size of tomatoes I will be getting off this plant. I’m starting to think they might not be anything too big. Still, as long as they end up being somewhat useable for a sandwich and other meals that are good enough for me. Just as long as they are not salad size tomatoes!

Some of the leaves seem to be dying off and still nothing else trying to flower on the plant. I’m starting to think perhaps he is a bit shy! Perhaps some of the slightly cooler but not too cold weeks and months ahead will change things up a bit.



I have noticed since I traded most of the big enough ones away. That I have started to miss having these just ready to be picked when I was in the mood for one. Thankfully I did leave two smaller ones still growing. On top of that, some flowers are now starting to get rather large in size or start to die down. As you can see from all the tiny brown bud looking spots all over the photo.

Will be interesting to see if I get more than last time, the same amount about a dozen, or much less. I just hope the weather we have been having is not going cause too much in a loss for the next cycle. Either way, I think that a bigger one on the right is going to be consumed over the weekend.

Red Pepper


If you did not know any better you would just think it was a vine growing on a pole. Outside of the entire plant still looking like a mess. There were a couple of flowers this week. Nothing else to say really.

Big Bertha


It is a good thing this plant has such thick branches on it. You can already start to see the effects of the weight from the one pepper on it. This could end in a disaster with how small the planter is and the lack of any support. You can also see on the other side a smaller one has started to show up as well.

Almost like the plant knows it is going need some counter weight on the other side. Perhaps it is very intelligent and would prefer some music played for it? Maybe I’ll just it a weight bored and the plant can start writing down math equation for weight distribution.

Have an amazing week and stay safe!


Photos were taken by @enjar using a Photosmart M627.



Super impressed with the container gardening! Can you move them up close to the house and have them be a little more shielded from the wind and rain? I'm surprised you've not had trouble with root rot from all the rain. You must have set the containers up to drain very well.

I forgot to mention time-traveling cat in my reply on my post. Maybe you should travel back in time to re-visit a more rested time. Or perhaps there's one you could hop ahead to?

There a cover outdoor section I can just put them under for the time being If need be. Walls on 3 sides and a roof so they should be fine.

I totally gave up on mine. Next year I will try buying them from somewhere else. All the plants and evergeens I bought from other places are doing just fine so I just think it's the place where I got them from.

Awww that is a shame. I hope everything goes much better next year.

I've noticed that as well. One place seems to have some issues while another is much better. Wonder if its poor staff training or if no one really cares at one place.

Probably. Walmart garden center is infamous for that. I go there and "save" a quite a few plants for total death. How hard could be watering plants be.

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