Animation shows frosty field become lush garden in 52 days

in #gardenlast year

I did it! Less than 8 weeks ago this was a frozen field. With heirloom tools and heirloom seeds, I dug up this garden and filled it with crops! I've put $0 into it. This is the final of 30 progress photos, showing the expansion of the garden:


Two rectangular gardens, as imagined. (I have the option of doing more in the future.)

As promised, a GIF animation of the entire process. 30 expansions over 52 days.

garden progress may 31 2023.gif

Here's a tall shot of the garden, standing above my son's pumpkin seedling:


I guess it isn't perfectly straight, but that can be fixed if desired. For now I'm going to focus on getting the last of the seeds in, building supports for the peas, removing weeds, and various yardwork.

I notice that the heat wave a couple weeks ago fried my spinach. So that's why it hasn't been growing any bigger! It's bolting (going to seed):


Okay, well then, I'll probably leave a few of them to finish producing seed, and compost the rest to make room for a summer planting of beans. No problem!

What a pleasure it was (so far) to work in this garden. I feel like I'm putting my practice and experience to use here. Food supply has been unreliable the past few years, and prices are going up all the time lately. Besides, I like knowing what's in my food. My son has learned a lot from watching and helping. I've even converted some winter fat into muscle, just toiling an hour a day out there.

Thank you for coming along for the ride! Stay tuned as I produce buckets, bags, and boxes full of food in the next 5 months!



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