Fruit From My Cherry Plum Tree And Its Story

in #garden6 years ago


I guess you would call this a cherry plum. It is a plum fruit, but the size is like of a cherry. The taste can be on the tart side.

This is from a tree that you would call a volunteer. No I didn't plan for this tree to be in my yard, but it was because of me that the tree exists.

One time I went into my backyard and there was this tree. In those days I rarely went into my backyard. I wasn't into the garden as I am now. I would say, Where did this tree come from?

It took me awhile before I figured it out, but those cherry plums reminded me of the cherry plums from where I lived before. Then I started to remember something I did.

You see before I moved into my current home I lived in a duplex and in its backyard was this big cherry plum tree.

Well, I picked a bunch of those cherry plums and put them in my pocket the day I moved. I thought, Too bad I won't have this big tree to pick cherry plums from.

Then I rested from the move and was eating the cherry plums I had in my pocket. Well, I do remember spitting the seeds out near my shed.

Yes, the same shed where there is a burrow, where a new set of skunks live. Oh, I don't mind the skunks as they are very useful to me.

You see I used to have a bad rat problem. I would see the rats crawling on the ground eating some of the persimmons that fell to the ground. It was terrible.

Well, now that I have my friends, the skunks, I don't really see many rats as before. Yes, skunks will eat mice and rats. Another thing I like about skunks is that they like to eat termites.

So I may hang out in the garden in the day and the skunks hang out in the garden at night. It is the perfect arrangement. We hardly see each other.

OK, back to the cherry plum tree, it was me spitting out those seeds near the shed is why I have this cherry plum tree near my shed.

It was me that cause that cherry plum tree to exists in my backyard. It is an asset of shade and food. This tree is about 28 years old now.

Funny how you can eat a fruit and spit out its seed and before you know it you are eating from its tree. It is a blessing from God.

As it is written, Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. James 1:17.

Source 1

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine taken with my Moto G.


You are so blessed to have plums growing on your property! Nothing beats home grown!

That is so true. Thank you @artedellavita!

incredible fruit friend

fantastic friend that's really wonderful

dear sir, lovly garden tree photography like this post thanks to @david777111

thank you@david7771111
by sharing life would be wonderful, because of your good heart always have a sense of humanity,,

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