The Water Garden - Day 90
My flowers are growing so quickly. Crazy how much has changed since yesterday.
No real change in our mystery plant. I'm honestly not even sure what it will look like when it sprouts.
I'm going to try and clean the third planter tomorrow but right now I don't have anything new to plant. My wife has the week off from work so maybe I will see if she can go pick something up for me tomorrow.
I switched up the routine today, I fed Gillbert then took his picture. He actually never even noticed the food get dropped in his tank, he was too busy watching for me to take his picture. I had to guide him to the food! I guess I have him a little bit conditioned, Pavlov's Fish?
gillbert started posing for the pics :). cant wait to see the mysterious plant :). update us as usual about your gardening :P. waiting to hear about mysterious plant.
love it! hoping those mystery plants go out soon!
I'm not sure what's going to happen with my mystery plant, I'm a little worried that it's not going to grow in these conditions. Should know in a few days.
oh just wait for it. how many days did you plant the seeds?
2 days ago I think.
just wait and will go out soon
hi caab, any update about your mysterious plant?
Fish is so beautiful ,,,That is amazing Water Garden photography. ,,,thank you for posting so much ...Thanks for share with us
Great picture! I like it 👍

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