The Water Garden - Day 18

in #garden7 years ago


Gillbert up close and personal! I love the little bit of blue in his tail. Most of the time you don't notice it but, when he hits the light just right the blue just shimmers in the water. He didn't attack his food like he has been the last few days but he's still very active and very interested in anyone who comes and checks out his tank.


So I had said that I was going to deal with this jungle today and was all prepared to make my smoothie this afternoon. I had all my fruit out, scissors ready to cut the wheat grass, blender jug ready and then I started looking for the blender base... I have no idea where it is. We recently moved and during the move I broke my wife's fancy blender. I had an older blender at my house (where we moved to) so I just assumed we could use that for all our blending needs. But apparently I packed the blender base up at some point and now I have no idea where it is. So no smoothie for me! I should be able to take the smoothie supplies to work on Monday so until then, the jungle remains!


This fish looks beautiful and won't be sweet to make as food.. the blender you are looking for might be with me lol.. I hope your wife won't be mad for broken her blender.. enjoy your new house

Blender thief!

Lol... Am here in my house come and arrest me for stealing your blender.. tell your wife that I will return it back at the end of the month

Yes I noticed the faint blue at the tail of the fish. The red colour is beautiful.

In a sense I'm happy you couldn't have your smoothie. Know why? Cos the jungle of wheat grass was spared.

@caab You write about the fish and the wheat jungle in such intimate manner I felt relieved you couldn't find your blender base...

Your pictures and the little stories come alive easily. You may want to consider a book, yeah?

A book might be a bit too ambitious!

Hilarious story, just get juice or water to drink😸

but I need to eat these damn plants!

You can get a blender from your neigbour, just borrow it for sometime

Wao this fish look very beautiful i like it and great post keep posting

You fish is beautiful very nic post!

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