Starting to sort the garden.

in #garden6 years ago

We've had some warm weather in the UK so after our first BBQ of the year it was time to start on the garden.


After consulting with my dog we decided the grass was far too long to get our mower through it so I would need to strim it first.


This isn't an easy job when all you have is an electric strimmer designed to cut around borders rather than cutting a large area, half way up the garden we had a rest as the dog was tired out.


So after a rest and a can of beer we got the bottom lawn cut so tomorrow I can just go over it with the mower and that's the bottom garden looking OK again. Still have the hedges to cut and trim back but will leave that as there are usually birds nesting in them.


Next up will be the top garden which is the far bigger job despite being much smaller.


In addition to cutting back the grass there is loads of weeding to be done and clearing out the pond, this year I really would like to get a new pump for the pond and get the waterfall running again. Another thing I found around the pond was this old fossil, yes it really is a million year old fossil I found a few years ago on holiday.



There is always massive amounts of work to get the garden back in shape after winter. Grass cutting was never my favourite job. I like that you got your priorities straight...BBQ first, cut a bit, rest and a beer and then finish it off!

Didn't want to do that strimming in the full day heat.

Looking good man! That fossil is really cool. Gardening and garden prepping is a lot of work, for sure. I did plenty of years of landscaping throughout high school, and it was pretty exhausting work.

Just hope we get a few more days like today so I can crack on with it.

This "fossil" looks like a foot with four toes. The fifth one could be very swollen and was perhaps the reason why big foossil got stuck and turned into stone. Or something like that:-)

I keep meaning to chip away some of the chalk to try and work out what exactly it is, maybe I'll get around to it now I've found it again.

So cool, and yes, a lot of work! So glad you were able to get a start on it. I can't wait to see the pond and waterfall ............ :)

If the weather holds I should be able to sort that out in a couple of days.

It's always hard work, but worth it! I'll give you a follow, I'm interested to see what you grow over there across the pond.

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