Sorting out the Garden put on hold.

in #garden6 years ago


As Spring continues to do its thing and the garden comes back to life the race to sort out the garden has hit a slight problem. On Sunday night I had a fall and bust my ribs, at least one broke on the front right hand side and some very sore ribs on my back. Pain killers are taking the edge off the pain but doing anything is uncomfortable to say the least. Just as I'd seemed to get my anxiety and mood under control and was looking at a week of working in the garden I'm now looking at grunting through gritted teeth every time I move.
Still the garden is looking good, even though it needs work on tidying it up and at least I can sit in the sunshine and listen to the birds singing.



Look on the bright side, at least you broke them during a fall, and not playing with the chihuahua's on the floor, and now you can have someone bring you the lemonade or iced tea, instead of having to struggle up out of a chair, try to catch a breath from the pain, it as simple as "help I've fallen and can't get up" ring-a-ding-ding bell. They are at your beck and call, but they will know when it is time for you to move some to so you don't get all gimped up.

Them chihuahua's play rough.

Fingers crossed you get well soon!

Awww, I'm so sorry - that just sucks. Take care of yourself, heal and feel better soon!

Excellent excuse to get the pagan girl to do some garden work. Dad is in pain.

Hope the pain wears off soon, cracked ribs can hurt like [insert expletive here]. Just don't tell her when you feel better.

I think that sounds like a plan.

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