When should you attempt the GAMSAT?

in #gamsat3 years ago

GAMSAT® Exam is a high-stakes, costly test that can only be sat one time per year.

The outcomes are just valid for two years, so you really should consider when you ought to sit it.

So how about we take a look at your three years of Bachelor’s degree and check out at the advantages and disadvantages of sitting the GAMSAT® Exam during each period.

#1: First year

On the off chance that you're in your first year, you may be considering having a 'practice run'.

There is certainly a legitimacy to this - a major piece of the GAMSAT® Exam will be strategy and having gone through it before is a colossal assistance - however you want to keep things in context.

Considering the result won't be valid after you graduate, you really want to guarantee that you can bear the cost of it; the test charge is $515 for 2022! And furthermore that you won't allow it to distract you from your uni work, on the grounds that your GPA is also important and, contingent upon what schools you apply to, will likely add to your chances of getting an interview and an offer.

#2: Second year

On the off chance that you're in your second year (and the penultimate year of a standard 3-year degree) you can sit the GAMSAT® Exam in March and afterward assuming you score well enough, focus your attention around getting your degree. Then, at that point, in your third year, you can utilise that score to apply and presto!

Obviously, not every person will accomplish a score that sets them up for an interview offer. So for a large portion of us, even a score in the 60s doesn't actually ensure an interview, and many individuals will need to re-sit in their last year with expectations of working on their score.

In any case, in the event that you can justify the cost of sitting it two times, why not do it?

#3: Third year

Assuming that you're sitting GAMSAT® Exam in your third year, you have the advantage of a nearly secured GPA, and thusly may have somewhat more opportunity to commit to the test.

Another positive is that between GAMSAT® Exam and your uni tasks and tests, you'll be occupied to the point that all the milestones will fly by and in no time you could have an offer for the next year.

Nonetheless, consider the possibility that you don't get one. Not to be a Debbie Downer, however that is something you must consider, so it truly pays to have a 'plan b'. This could incorporate getting a job, traveling, completing an honours year to increase your GPA, or reexamining your professional objectives.

For more information, check out our full article here: https://gradready.com.au/posts/gamsat-preparation-courses/when-should-you-attempt-the-gamsat


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