Aliens Vs Predator 3: Marine Mission # 2 + Video (A very lucky rookie)

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)

"Man is born to fight and it is how he defines himself better, saying that he is a warrior and that his life from the beginning to the end is nothing but a battle".
Thomas Carlyle

Warning to readers

For your safety, if you have not played yet Aliens Vs Predator 3 with the role of the Human species, you could suffer from a sudden attack of advance information and find out what happens before you play it. But if it does not affect you, continue reading that the only risk you can take is that you like it and want to play it to live the experience for yourself.

We survived

In the previous episode we learned the mechanics of the game, the tactical teams we will have and we met several characters who were not essential but were an initial part of the story.

We faced our first Aliens who generated more suspense than combat, because the radar warned us every time they were near us, but we kept our distance and survived without being hurt.


We will have to find a way out of that facility, to go towards Tequila, which keeps in touch with us by radio.

In the previous post I explained that the radar will indicate the presence of enemies even if we can't see them or if they are behind some structure.

In this image I show the radar highlighting with a red circle that shows the presence of enemies through dots and indicates the amount and within the green circle shows the enemy closest to us.

They will only indicate the nearest enemies because the radar works by means of a sonar that generates a wave that travels bouncing on the enemy and returns to us, showing its location, for that reason when the enemy moves very fast we will not be able to perceive them.

It's not just an alien anymore.

We will go out to a patio where we will get many doors and only one will be open leading us to a kind of garage. We'll hear on the radio that some soldiers mention Tear those bastards to pieces! It means they're probably under attack right now.

We will have to be careful because the space is limited, so we could be cornered against a wall, besides the enemy is fast and when we attack him he releases acid, and we could get hurt by that acid blood.

As we defend ourselves, we can hear that on the other side of the door there is a fight, there are gunshots and screams of pain, surely something bad is happening. On the radio the last thing we'll hear will be the breaths and agony of some soldier.

The door will open and we can see, dead that soldier, clinging to the opening switch showing that with his last second of life he fought to allow us to pass to the other side. We'll hear Tequila on the radio, calling Franco who seems to be the name of that dead man at the door.

After a few insults to the air, Tequila will inform us on the radio that she needs us to take her out of the room where she is, known as the "Administration", but let's keep an eye out because the attacks are coming from every angle.

In the courtyard we will be able to see the dead bodies of the soldiers who were fighting at the time, but this is no time for mourning, we must go ahead and use all the ammunition we can get.

As we go forward Tequila will warn us that there is an enemy close to us and we will hear as if he is laughing at us in an evil way, as if he were enjoying the agony we are going through, but we will not see anyone.

We will go to a room where the electrical system is down, so Tequila was trapped without being able to get out, she will tell us to grab one of the emergency power generators and connect it to the door opening system. In doing so, it will open and Tequila will speak to us directly, apparently excited because we are still alive.

He's gonna ask us to go into the room and grab a Pulse Rifle.


This weapon is an M41A/2 Rifle, which has a higher firing capacity and more impact against aliens, in addition to having a grenade launcher device.

We will have to watch out for the ammunition of this weapon, because unlike the pistol they are not unlimited, although they have an enormous capacity to store ammunition.

Tequila asks us, as if she also asked the owners of the company, what would they be doing in this place?

What worries him most about the situation is that the place is infested with Xenomorphs (Aliens), something that seems very strange because they do not appear in a place for no reason. Besides the spacecraft that came out of nowhere and knocked down our main spacecraft, that got us nervous.

We'll go in for support.

Since the administration room has electricity, our boss Tequila will be able to control some of the colony's systems from that place, and she will speak by radio, receiving information that some sectors already have electricity, apparently the one who speaks is the head of one of the squadrons of the sector, she identifies with the name of Connor....

She will report that they are in a club, along with her squadron, but the communication is interrupted because it seems that there are enemies in the sector, she will ask for reinforcements but unfortunately the only soldiers alive near that area are us. We'll have to go to the Club to support that squadron, too bad Tequila can't come with us because he has to activate some systems from that room.

When leaving the room the radar will start to show that there are enemies very close to us, fortunately we already have a better weaponry to fight, the difficult thing is to maintain the aim. Besides, the blood that splashes on us hurts us easily, because it is very acidic.

While we're carefully in the yard, we'll hear Connor say on the radio to his troop, "Remove the music from the club!" And Tequila will remind us to follow the arrow on the radar to find out the location of this squad. Apparently we lost communication with them and the music was turned off, at that moment we will enter an elevator that will take us to one of the floors of the club.

The area is a total disaster, with blood all over it and it looks like it's wrapped in strange green tissue, and you can tell there was a massacre there when you see human bodies hanging from their feet with their skin torn off.

Funny thing is that there will be a hologram of a woman dancing on one of the platforms, the place is totally creepy. But we'll have to keep going to get to the squadron, so we'll get into another of the elevators to go up to the next floor of the club, where we'll find the dead bodies of all the soldiers in that unit.

Tequila will be alarmed by the catastrophic situation and that she is surprised to see the nest-like structure we mentioned earlier, apparently the Aliens mutated or are using the place to reproduce.

We will receive the report that a group that was nearby arrived at the site to give us support, but when they went up in the elevator the electricity went out and they were trapped in the road, there were some shots heard and a few screams at the time, so we'll think this other group was ambushed at the scene as well.

We're alone and trapped

The place looks like it's crawling with aliens, all the people in the squad have fallen in combat, If we stay there it is only to ensure our death, so we will look for a way out but the elevators do not work and the music is back on. Tequila will radio us to divert electricity to the elevators to get out of the site, even if it takes some time.

In the short wait the radar starts to sound alarmingly, informing us that we are not alone in the site and there are many aliens present, Tequila acts as fast as possible but we will be cornered. We will have to endure the constant attack of the Aliens, who seem not to end, especially until the doors of the elevator can be opened and so get out of that horrible place.

Every impact we receive slows down our lives, plus the place is dark and they are quick to move, a fatal combination against us, but we have some flares to give us a better field of vision and to be able to endure that "almost eternal waiting time". I don't know if it's because there are too many enemies or if I have bad aim with the gun and I spend too much ammunition because of fear, but we will have to resort to the gun to be able to endure the fight.

Wounded and cornered, but not yet dead!

The elevator is activated again and without hesitation we will run to a safer place, receiving news that the Echo Company still had some soldiers alive, but they had lost contact with Gibson, although Tequila reports that he is dead.

We will have to go to that group in order to shelter ourselves and heal our wounds after that fight we had.

We will open a door that seems to be stuck, finding a barricade on the other side with a soldier guarding the door, it seems to be one of the "Echo" squad, who will kindly speak to us to raise our spirits after having gone through that fight.

We will enter the site to meet with the others and see that they have an automatic artillery system that appears to be computerized, which shoots any "non-human" being.

We will go up some stairs, to meet a group that guards the main entrance of the place, preventing any Aliens from entering. They are armed with heavy artillery and robots, that should be enough to withstand waves of enemies, but we will still go to support that group to prevent any comrades from being injured in combat.

A small group of aliens arrive, but they only lean out and retreat, a very rare behavior in them, because almost always when they appear what they do is to continue forward until they finish with all that is in their way, although the chief of this squadron notices that this attitude is that the enemy is checking the perimeter and looking for the way to evade the defenses of the place.

As if it wasn't enough

At the main entrance where we are, all the lights are turned off and you can hear on the radio that there are multiple contacts, it means that they will not only see our movements, it was time to receive the first attack.

We will have to return to the first entrance where we entered, to see the situation and provide support to the group that guards that entrance, without hesitation we run with all our strength to arrive on time, but on the radio we can hear that the place is surrounded by these Aliens, means that it will not be an easy task to defend that entry, especially because the robot was deactivated, so we will have to activate manually from the control system that we found at the beginning of the room.

Encontraremos el cuerpo del primer soldado que nos recibió y la computadora que muestra en la pantalla que el robot tuvo un error en el sistema y se ha apagado.

With all the pressure of the moment and the alarms sounding constantly, we will act with the control panel to reactivate the defense systems or else we will be cornered. Our nerves will freak us out when we see the Aliens coming out of the air conditioning systems, having to run to the main entrance where we can meet the other soldiers and protect each other.

The squadron leader begins to radio the members, calling them by their names but none of them answer the radio, which means that we are alone with her. But it won't last long in combat because it will be attacked by surprise, unfortunately now if we are all alone again.

Tequila informs us that the "Charlie" company is heading to our position to get us out of that place, we will have to wait at the entrance and watch our backs.

When they arrive at the site they find that the barricade does not allow them to pass where we are, so they decide to divide into two groups, one that will enter through a gap wide enough for them to cross and the other will look for an alternative way to enter; unfortunately, the moment they manage to enter, they are ambushed by the enemy.

We are trying to help a soldier from that unit, which is impossible because he is dragged out of our reach. The only thing we can hear at that moment will be cries of pain and despair, which sadly died trapped without being able to fight.

The alarms go off, indicating that a huge number of enemies are approaching, the first time we have encountered so many in one place.

We will not fall without first fighting

We will be able to see how the robots are constantly starting to fire on the Aliens that are starting to arrive, but there are too many of them to be stopped with those weapons alone, so we will start to open fire on them, using some grenades that we have.

The difficulty of this situation is that the Aliens are very fast and have the ability to climb the walls, which makes it difficult to keep their aim stable in their direction. Especially if they jump on us, because they can kill us with a single bite, to avoid that we must hit them quickly to get rid of them and avoid death.

Run or die, a very easy choice.

We are trapped by that wave, luckily Tequila manages to open one of the sealed doors from its location and will tell us to escape from the place, something we will not hesitate to do as the ammunition begins to scarce and do not stop arriving enemies constantly. We will use the letter "Q" to be able to run, although we must try not to tire the character and distribute the forces that we have left properly, in case we need to move from one side to the other avoiding the Aliens.

We will go through a tunnel that will take us to an elevator, which is not yet open, which means that we will have to hold the position in the meantime. When we manage to escape we will hear Tequila speak on the radio informing all the Marines in the area that they will have to retreat and regroup to the meeting point where we disembark at the beginning.

We will go through the sewer tunnels to go to the place indicated on the map, when suddenly we are ambushed and an Aliens drags us to the ground, at that moment we will lose our rifle and we will have to use the small gun to defend ourselves.

Obviously we will be partially injured because we were too close to the Aliens and their blood will splash on us, reminding us that it is acidic and corrosive.

Apparently we are far from the sewer tunnel system, near an underground mining area. There are sections that have light from some lamps, but the view in this place is still very limited, so we should be aware of any enemy we can't see.

Tequila will be able to communicate with us and give us the exact location where we are, informing us that we are near a refinery, which is possibly guarded by a group of soldiers who were still alive, but who had lost the means of communication, but Tequila tries from the systems to re-establish contact with them to inform them that we must evacuate the place immediately.

No one's left behind!

As we are in that place, they will give us the mission to go to one of the roofs of the place to align one of the antennas and to re-establish communication with the other soldiers.

So far the radar shows us no close enemies.

Tequila will tell us on the radio that apparently the signal is very bad inside the building, so we must be very careful because it will not be able to give us support. At that time a secondary mission will be activated which will be to activate the power node of the elevator in order to climb to the roof of the building and align the communications antenna.

On the way we will get a shotgun that allows us to have 6 cartridges.

As we move forward we find a room with the body of a deceased soldier, but the surprising thing is not to find him dead, but to find him with something covering his face as if he were being eaten little by little.

At that moment we will look to the sides and we will be able to see that there is a style of giant eggs in the room and from them an unknown species emerges, similar to giant spiders. Without hesitation I will shoot them until I see them shot, as well as the one who is clinging to the face of the soldier (I cannot allow the body of a dead soldier to be desecrated).

We will search one of the rooms for an emergency battery to reactivate the elevator so we can continue to move forward to the roof.

The place is very dark and totally scary, but there is no other way to get to the communications antenna, so we have to go ahead and watch our backs.

But I will leave the story here to continue it another time, leaving a video where you can feel the whole story in an audiovisual way.

Video of episode #2


  • Compared to the first episode, we may notice that there is more combat action, but the suspense is still present.
  • We'll have a new weapon that has better impact and more damage than the old one.
  • It's so scary that we're always alone.
  • I believe that the characters that accompany us do not have good aim with the weapon or seem to be programmed to act like that.
  • It takes a lot of shooting to kill a single alien.
  • The game still keeps the story going in a very entertaining way.

All the images are created by me, some are screenshots of the game, although I'm not a great graphic designer I do it to make my content totally original.

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